Discussion: Al Franken: David Letterman Should Run For Senate In Indiana

I would love to see Steven Colbert in the Senate. If he would do just a tenth of what he did on The Colbert Report, I’d watch C-span 24/7.

A Latino immigrant (sort of) who hates other Latino immigrants, who has government funded health care but doesn’t want others in need to have any but has applied for the dread Obamacare. As to Franken, I’m looking forward to watch the entire interview later tonight. But I think I’d heard he decided to be serious so as to shed the old persona for the one which carried gravitas as befitting a member of the world’s most elite club (and I hope the snark came through).

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What a treat!

Don’t you have to be ophthalmologists to run for government now?

That’s the guy. I guess I didn’t realize he worked MNF - it was probably when the Seahawks sucked and after watching them on Sundays I couldn’t bring myself to watch any more football. Plus, I stopped watching SNL when I got old and realized how much I loved going to bed…

Two words: Zombie Vonnegut!