I don’t know how you can avoid it. In a democracy, the people are ultimately responsible. Now, you could say we’re no longer a democracy, but we let that happen as well.
Neil Young needs to add a couple more verses to “Alabama”.
My very first thought.
the cops wish him a speedy recovery? How about you volunteer to pay his fucking bills? Man, FUCK Alabama. By the way I fucking hate that Lynrd Skynrd song. Neil Young was fucking right.
“Make friends down in Alabama.
I’m from a new land
I come to you
and see all this ruin
What are you doing Alabama?
You got the rest of the union
to help you along
What’s going wrong?”
Seems y’alls figured it out right there. Brown skin == automatically suspicious == police MUST attack. To protect America. Because FreeDumb.
His family should praise the police that he’s still alive, being brown-skinned and all. What is wrong with these dark people? Are they just too stupid to know they can’t go out in daylight without being accompanied/escorted by white folks??
Damned good thing the cops weren’t armed.
While Fox News goes on turning passive thinking idiots into ideological radicals, we all sit by and do little. I don’t see our elected representatives and leaders out there disputing the pablum from Fox News about immigrants, muslims, lazy welfare blacks climate change, and the rest of it, to the degree they should be which I would describe as a zero tolerance approach. I don’t mean just Fox News, but they’re the most public representation of this paleolithic political expression and movement.
If you go on Facebook and get the Fox News stream very few people on there disputing the crazy in the comments, we’re all complicit in not fighting back against Fox, and the forces behind the conservative bat shit crazy neo-confederate movement. We’re all too busy trying to win the milque toast middle, not trying to scare the “heads up their asses” moderates; the liberal left has become the braintrust for middle of the road appeasement and political expedience that has utterly failed to do anything but fertilize the soil for these fascists. just imho…