Another country heard from. Talk about throwing a drowning man an anvil. “Let’s trot out the legitimate rape guy so that he can draw parallels between himself and Trump.”
Hillary has to be the luckiest politician I’ve ever seen to have enemies this stupid. (Although to be fair I don’t think Akin is an official Trump surrogate and I doubt the campaign asked for his help or to say these things.)
“It’s because you’ve got an incredibly one-sided Democratic national
media, and Republicans are scared to death of them," he said. "Look at
my race. I got hammered, really, because I’m pro-life. That’s the bottom
line of it.”
Umm, no…the reason you got ‘hammered’ is because you said something incredibly stupid on the air. Seriously. You had McCaskill by what?..20 points? You HAD her beat. They you went on that radio show and said the dumbass thing about ‘legitimate rape,’ a concept even kids in an Alabaman high-school science class think was weird, and you destroyed your campaign. That was four years ago and people are STILL laughing about it.
Todd whines a lot that this idea has a lot of research to back it up. He doesn’t mention that a lot of that ‘research’ comes from Nazis who found that when women thought they were going to the gas chambers, they stopped ovulating. Never mind the fact that they stopped ovulating because they were being systemically starved.
I’m still snickering about the best political donation I ever made. Akin made the “legit rape” comment and was teetering publicly on whether to run. I quickly dispatched $50 to let him know how many of us were in the good fight for him. He stayed in, went on to get slaughtered in the general, and we kept a much needed Dem US Senator. Doh.
Former Rep. Todd Akin (R-MO), infamous for his comments about the
unlikeliness of a pregnancy resulting from “legitimate rape,” called
Donald Trump’s rhetoric “a breath of fresh air” in a Thursday interview.
Fresh air or a cloud of putrid emissions from a sewer settling pond
“It’s because you’ve got an incredibly one-sided Democratic national media, and Republicans are scared to death of them," he said. "Look at my race. I got hammered, really, because I’m pro-life. That’s the bottom line of it.”
This is Dunning-Kruger in action. It’s a perfect little capsule lesson on it. In order to be stupid enough to say that the female body has ways to shut down ‘legitimate rape,’ you have to be stupid enough to believe that. If you’re stupid enough to believe it, you’re too stupid to understand any attempts at correction. So you take the wrong lesson away and remain stupid.
I know, and don’t forget for Eric to mention Ivanka in the discussion.
“For example, if I raped my sister, her body would prevent a pregnancy. Not that I’ve ever thought of doing that. It’s just that Ivanka is the go-to girl for this sort of thing. … .Aw fuck it”, and whips out a topless foto of Melania and starts wanking on camera.
This is the same guy who attended a well respected private school in St. Louis County and now wants home schooling for all. Dipshit is too kind of a description for him.