Even when it comes to the candidates themselves, I think that if you resort to making fun of their names, you’re signalling that you got nuthin’. The candidate’s name is Trump. The things he says are so wildly offensive, ill-informed, and revealing of deep mental illness, there’s no need to refer to him by any other name, like Drumpf. “Trump” is sufficiently disparaging.
I try to avoid playing this game, though I do have to confess to a certain fondness for “Carnival Cruz.”
Can’t recall where I was reading it a little while ago, but the talk is that Vermont wants to go last, and they are trying to coordinate that Sanders calls for nomination by acclimation then. This would let all the delegations vote, but then have Sanders see formally that we all agree Clinton is the nominee (which is what nomination by acclimation does).
[quote=“eatbees, post:12, topic:41072, full:true”]
The counting could be therapeutic for Bernie supporters. It may be the only way it will sink in that it’s finally over.
[/quote]That is, after all, how it’s normally done in a democracy. Even if the result seems foregone, you count the votes with appropriate safeguards and announce the result. In addition, after all the “to the convention” promises Bernie made it seems a little off to just give in at the end, even if he has already gotten a lot of concessions.
I think the obvious route is a formal roll call vote, followed by a symbolic unification measure, most likely Sanders moving to nominate by acclamation.
It is the newest and most approved of version of an emo-prog shibboleth. You have to hate TPP with fires of a molten planetary core or you are not a “real” progressive.
Personally, I’d just like to turn on any channel today and not see a reporter with a Bernie delegate or a Bernie protester, a reporter asking: “Will you now vote for Hillary…?” OR…seeing an on-air anchor with any one of a dozen Trump mouthpieces discussing their “…reaction to last night’s speakers” or “…attempts to woo Bernie supporters.” (*Oh, they do punctuate these blanket ‘interviews’ with occasional mentions of Mrs. Obama’s speech. ___ And that does help remind the audience that this convention isn’t wholly about Sanders and Trump. There is that.)
"I like your Bernie. I do not like your Berniebots. Your Berniebots are so unlike your Bernie."
___ Tony “Mahatma” Rochon
(Best tweet of the day.)
Given that Sanders is MUCH better at working a crowd than Clinton is, AND that he’s using that skill on her behalf, AND that he’s the one who has pulled the party back to the left of center, please wait to see exactly what it is he’s asking for before you complain about it, m’kay?