Discussion: Ahmed Mohamed Family Demands $15M From School, City To Avoid Civil Lawsuit

Discussion for article #243136


The wingnuts will screeeeeeeeeam about this!


Uh, too much. He’ll have to deduct from the damages the value of a White House visit.


While I am less than supportive of this move, I will say that the city of Irving and the school board brought this upon themselves.


And heads explode on the right.

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Hell will freeze over before the harpy of a Mayor apologizes. She is a right wing extremist and is very anti-Muslim. While I think $15M is high I wish them luck in trying to teach these yahoos some common sense (of course it will come out of the city/school budget, not their own pockets).


Only $15 million? They handcuffed and detained their son for no reason besides blatant racism. Then slandered him calling him a jihadist and terrorist. $15 million is to little.


Sue the ever living sh*t out of them. If it’s not $15M then settle for $8M and laugh all the way to the bank.


…And scream Allahu Akbar as they pick up their million dollar check!


I hate to give the tin-foil hatters credit, but this just puts the icing on the cake of being a set-up from the get-go.

The kid’s family was associated with high government officials back in Africa, his family moves to Qatar-- not the home of Democracy-- and his “clock” really does look like a 90’s-era movie bomb.

And now they want to extort $15 million.

The family is a bunch of crooks, and good riddance that they left the country.


IMHO, I think going after dollars and faux apologies isn’t the way to go. You really wish to hurt this racist crap, go for the jugular – educate the people. I would demand no less than, say $15M worth of, a public-relations documentary-style multi-faceted program to be approved by the family, the SPLC, a well-respected Muslim-American education non-profit, etc., to be taught to every student who walks the halls in the school system. Forget the money–the family will be well cared for. Do some serious real good – educate the people.


Citation(s) please.

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How the hell could they know what was going to happen? Tin-foil is right.


NOW he’s a true American!


This is the ONLY thing that gets change at the institutional level done. They ONLY thing that gets their attention is it costing them money.

If they can get away with treating people in the dishonest and racist way they treated this kid and it does not actually cost them anything, they will keep doing it and never think twice about it.

If it costs them a significant sum of money, the next time it comes up, they will actually pause and think about it for a minute: “Hey… do we really want to do this? We know its not a bomb (or we would evacuate the school immediately) maybe we should just talk to the kid and his parents and not literally make a Federal case out of for no reason.”


Call me names and cuss me out all you want, but I thought from almost the beginning this was a stunt his dad skeemed up. Now, even though the lawyer may have approached his dad about this first, I do even more.

Let the cussin’ and name callin’ begin!


Good luck with that!

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He’s being poorly represented. I realize that lawyers are often schooled to make their absolutely maximum demand in the initial notice of a claim (which I believe to be misguided, generally), but the idea that what happened to this teenager–outrageous as it was–is worth many times more than people who have been wrongly imprisoned on death row for decades is so outlandish that it undercuts the credibility of the claim.


Lost my support. Now I suspect it was more of a scheme than I did originally.

“Take them for everything” is a terrible mindset when dealing with public entities because “them” is all of us. A suit like this reduces opportunities for all other students while raising taxes.


Where in Africa?