Discussion: After Sterling Scandal, Utah State Rep. Calls NAACP 'Racist'

I’m gonna go look for that one…

… even though I prefer to read fiction :wink:

Well, who else would would be an expert on the subject…?

Keep this guy, Utah. You probably deserve each other.

Ever notice that Right wing zealots who are obsessed with imploring everyone to believe racism no longer exists in America, are also those most loudly protesting that they themselves aren’t racist? They are just so eager to make all those ‘libruls’ see the reality that although Conservatism attracts and encourages racists, it’s actually those who expose racism that are the real racists.

Or some twisted bullshit like that.

The ® behind your name STANDS for racist, you scum sucker. And having a black man in the White House pushed all you bigoted bastards out into the open where America can see you.

By this definition, everyone involved in the Civil Rights movement was racist.

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The thing that really pisses me off about this, and the Sterling pretend-outrage factor, and race discussion in general is how white people (i.e. Republicans, not allied white people like most of the commenters here probably are) are always talking about how the only thing blacks need to do is get it together, and racism is over, there is no institutional racism and all those policies are outdated. Then when we actually DO things trying to do what they said they say we can’t do it because we’re racist for only caring about ourselves.

Who could possibly have foreseen that it would be so much easier to to say something stupid in 140 characters than to say something intelligent?

Ah. Ok, got it.

No. No we don’t. Maybe the Utah Republicans do, but not the rest of us.