Discussion: After Spicer Opposed Term 'Travel Ban,' Trump Says He Doesn't Care

60 Minutes did a good job of it on Sunday, but it was a re-aired ep. from Nov. I think. It’s a freaking arduous task of interview after interview, background check after background check, finger printing, retina scanning, takes 18-24 months, and even then almost nobody gets in. This wouldn’t be a difficult story to cover–the aid workers would LOVE to talk to the press, talk about the procedure, and show the kind of people that are living in conditions that most Americans cant even imagine. Of course, most of the MSM can’t be bothered. It doesn’t fit the narrative that evil doers are at the gates.

Actually, the evil doers are already inside–America elected them.


Contradictions… the next four years of this administration taking one step forward and two steps back when it comes to explaining policy will become tiresome to the press, the citizens of the U.S. and business and world leaders. I would like to know why anyone would call President trump a good businessman. However, his marketing and branding message for this country provides a clear message that “there are no adults in charge of the Executive Branch of the U.S. government.”

It’s a ban. It’s not a ban. It’s whatever the press says it is. No, it’s not a ban.
Holy Christian shit, this is confusing.


I’d feel safer walking into a Chicago mosque knowing everyone present was a pissed off member of the Muslim Brotherhood than I would a Tennessee honky-tonk throwing a reunion party for 20 Iraq War vets. ANYTHING coming out of my mouth would get a more civil, receptive hearing in the mosque than the bar.


A friend of mine just sent me this:

Visa concept advances: “One Nation, Under Trump, In-VISA-ble, with Liberty and Justice in a Stall

Think that about sums it up…


The Muslim Ban: the Republican’s latest version of American Exceptionalism.

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What’s in a word?

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I think it’s beyond that. He cares deeply about White Race dominated by males. He is doing everything in that direction. His personal wealth has taken a backseat and is now relegated to as a backup driver.

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I disagree. He may be driven by ego more than strict monetary benefits, but it’s all about him. He is unable to think otherwise.


Not in my amateur opinion. And furthermore, the fact they refer to it as an “obscure” statute makes my BS detector twitch.

"Stop Steve Bannon from getting his greasy hands on the Deletion Matrix with this one weird trick!"

I mean, yes in the grand scheme of things 50 USC 3021(a)(6) is obscure, but it’s the very first section of the statute creating the NSC.

The whole thing feels like clickbait.


Parsing whether or not it’s a ban is playing right into Pres. Bannon’s hands.

Of course it’s a ban. Its plain language and implementation both make that unambiguously clear. The story here is not Spicer saying don’t call it a ban or Trump waffling. The story is that the administration is engaged in a deliberate, consistent campaign of gaslighting (with Spicer as point man) on just about every issue that has come up. They are telling us on a daily basis that the sky is purple and 2 + 2 = 5.

The more relevant question is, why aren’t the Republicans / Jason Chaffetz concerned about the use of private e-mail server by the White House (and Trump’s unsecured Android phone)?


I know, right? Potato, potahto. Evolution is just a theory, like gravity. Facts? Psssshhhht!

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Confusion is the GOAL. Make it so that people throw up their hands and exclaim that they don’t know who’s telling the truth anymore. Then the authoritarian strongman stands up and proclaims, “I will tell you what’s real. Listen to me, and me only.”

That’s the exact trajectory we’re watching right now. Millions of Americans are already in thrall to the “strongman.”

Sean remember the glory of Bagdad Bob! #BagdadSean

Yes, it’s an avalanche of vile garbage by intention — we must remain vigilant and not turn our heads away from the revolting spectacle in disgust, but keep watching for the sleight of hand in the background. Pres Bannon is a snake.

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This sounds more like a witch hunt:

President Trump tweeted:" If the ban were announced with a one week notice, the “bad” would rush into our country during that week. A lot of bad “dudes” out there!"

President Trump is so right, concise, articulate and thoughtful in his tweets. He is speaking in terms that the American people, particularly young American voters, even immigrants, those with poor English comprehension, and banned radical jihadi Muslim-country visitors, can understand.

Yet our President summarizes the conservative perspective very well. We don’t want “the bad” rushing into our country. Letting bad dudes rush into the country is not good and not putting America First. No other civilized country lets the “bad dudes” rush in. We should not either.

On the language front, President Trump’s use of quotes is very effective. I wish Steve Bannon had included language in the Executive Order prohibiting anyone in the media from referring to the temporary exclusion of Muslims from seven terrorist countries as a ban. They should have provided examples of acceptable language.

Their utter incompetence is one a good reason to hope we can right this asshole and his cabal of loooosers off.