I mean, maybe America just needs to start sacrificing children and disabled people to the god of greed and white grievance. Put them on camera so we can here their death rattles (not that it will ever air on Fox or Breitbart, of course). And Paul Ryan can sadly shake his head. “It didn’t have to be this way,” he’ll say. “If only they’d have let us repeal and replace, the market, in its boundless benifecence, would have provided.”
Seriously, though, they will kill people. Make sure we all see it. Make sure we all have to look in their dying eyes and know that it was every one of us who voted GOP, or Jill Stein, or who couldn’t be bothered to do some door-to-door or a phone bank during the election (guilty).
You can tell Hatch is just bitter that he’s going to die before a lot of other people and just wants them to suffer because he knows history is not going to like at him kindly. What a loser
“We’re going to reauthorize it, hopefully before the end of the month, or shortly thereafter.”
Shortly thereafter is far too late for poor people with sick kids who are wondering how they’re going to pay for their child’s healthcare, let alone feed them, pay rent and deal with budgeting for winter utility bills.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve thought of Swift’s A Modest Proposal in relation to GOP policies. I thought I was at the end of outrage, but it appears I’m not.
I have to say, where I live, every single family I know that uses this program votes Republican and supports Trump.I wish I were kidding - but I’m not. If this story hits FOX news at all, it will be all about obstructionist Democrats preventing brave Republicans from moving forward with all the great plans they have to make healthcare better.
Sadly, I can see Republicans using this cash flow problem—which they created out of negligence, and which is totally independent of the ACA—as evidence of Obamacare’s “collapse.”
Congress is set to leave town without reauthorizing the Children’s Health Insurance Program… which provides health insurance for nearly 9 million children…"
Help me out here.
Are Republicans The Pro-Life Party…or The Party of Family Values?
Consider the world we would see if reasonable men and women sat in the seats of power. One half of the equation is there, but the other side cripples this nation severely.