How many times has this guy failed?
I only have one thing to say, rots of ruck!
“I’m not definitely running, but I’m going to take a very hard look at it. A very serious look at it. Because I believe it’s time for a new generation of leadership, and we gotta send Donald Trump packing.”
You didn’t demonstrate great judgement in your first move to thrust yourself into the limelight. Ya, not buying. Betting that few do.
I’m considering announcing a decision to do something that will never happen but may make a few Morons send me money and perhaps change my limited public image from being a regional asshole to a national asshole.
This guy is my rep and the bloom is long gone from the rose. Not only should he not run for prez, but he should be primaried as well. If Capuano (who was vastly better) can be voted out, so should Molten.
I’m pretty sure quite a lot of people would run on a “Send Trump Packing” platform, if that was enough.
I doubt it.
Donald has made WALL his shtick for 2020.
Silly, idiotic, irrelevant, yes, but a lot of people can relate to such a thing, while abstract concepts like “Income inequaity”, “Progressive Taxation” makes their eyes glaze over.
Let’s hope he puts his own money into it. First trip to Iowa and an empty meeting place should convince him that it was $500 wasted.
If this guy made a move on Hoyer instead of Pelosi with his whole change of leadership schtick, I could have gotten behind that. Moulton wouldn’t have been my choice, but it would have shown he was smart enough to make a measured move.
Thinking he could be Speaker, much less the president, shows his judgement is way off.
I think Capuano should retire to the north shore, then un-retire and oust Moulton.
“You got stiffed on your taxes, and your boss bought a new jet” might resonate better, though.
As always. let him do the exploratory committee and funding route and then come back to us.
It’s time, with the number of candidates we currently have in the field, that they each begin to focus on what differentiates him or herself from the rest of the candidates. Many of them are saying the right things, but tell us why this one is different.
This is what’s going to sift out the wheat from the chaff and get us the best possible candidate.
In the meantime, carry on.
Good luck with that - please proceed…
I’m guessing he thinks he’s going to lose a primary fight and doesn’t know what else to do.
Capuano should move to his district and take him on.
I predict a spectacular silence in response, unless the combined yawn is unusually loud.
Because I believe it’s time for a new generation of leadership,
Seth, the Dem Party got that new generation leadership in 2018 and guess what?? You aren’t a part of it. Really. No one is talking about you and only your constituents know you even exist.
Moulton running for President is good for America. Basically, anything that leaves him more vulnerable to a primary challenge from the left is good for America.
This guy comes across like a Democratic Scott Brown. Vote with your caucus, keep your head down, and do penance for trying to usurp Nancy.
Really! It’s kind of just amazing to me to watch this guy who is basically humiliated and proven hilariously wrong every time Pelosi wins another battle. Last week, PP gave his SOTU address and all anyone could talk about is the now infamous clap. As Pelosi continues to dog walk PP, Moulton’s “we need new leadership” cries makes less and less sense and looks more and more personal than substantive.