Discussion: After Mueller Presser, Barr Digs In As Trump's Shield Of Defense

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“I think one of the ironies today is that people are saying that it’s President Trump that’s shredding our institutions. I really see no evidence of that, it is hard, and I really haven’t seen bill of particulars as to how that’s being done,”

That is a really stunning statement to come from the AG. I wonder where we go from here? Yes, keep fighting, yes, get out the vote, but shit, that’s 1.5 years away, and the amount of damage Trump and now Barr have done to the institutions of govt and society in this country in just 2.5 years is mind boggling.


America: The Ball is in Your Court. He is the easiest target I have ever seen.


Totally Em-Barr-Assing.


It’s Friday and I’m late for lunch. So, I’ll just leave you with this, Mr. Attorney General and Chief Trump Protector …


None of this is new from Barr. It’s what he said in his Senate testimony. Dude is out of tricks. Just go get the materials you need, open an impeachment inquiry to do so and make him irrelevant. Oh, impeach that motherfucker to start and hold him in contempt.


How many people are waiting in line to have their reputations ruined by Trump?
Do they have any self respect?


Barr just wants everyone to know he is really just a fat and old, Michael Cohen.


One thing I don’t quite understand is why people are surprised that Barr acts like Trump’s personal attorney. I mean, isn’t he a cabinet member and therefore at Trump’s disposal? Former AGs were not like him, but I think that’s just because they have more sense of morality.


Impeach Barr. He poses a clear and present danger to the country.


King Kong is anxious.
The Barrman talks a great deal.
Yet, he says nothing.



He had to bring up Obama. In the context of an Islaminc Manchurian candidacy. Hypothetical, but even then what an asshole.

Wow! Just wow!

And the Dem leaders are afraid to even call for impeachment of Trump and Barr.

Amazing. The jaw drops. The mind reels.


Hey numbnuts, we don’t have a democratically elected president. We have a sleazebag appointed by the Electoral College after loosing by almost three million votes.


Clinton found guilty.
No collusion, obstruction.
Trump sits on his throne.


“From my perspective the idea of resisting a democratically elected president and basically throwing everything at him and you know, really changing the norms on the grounds that we have to stop this president, that is where the shredding of our norms and our institutions is occurring.”

Oh yeah, you mean like what you and the GOP did to Clinton in the 1990s? As opposed to investigating a traitorous campaign that was operating in cahoots with the Russians? Go fuck yourself.


“From my perspective the idea of resisting a democratically elected
president and basically throwing everything at him and you know, really
changing the norms on the grounds that we have to stop this president,
that is where the shredding of our norms and our institutions is

George Orwell, angered that his “Lawyer Barr” character had escaped his notebook, slammed his pen to his desk and headed out to the pub.


Barr is emblematic of everything that has been going on with Republicans since the 80s. At some point, they decided that power is all that matters, and if you have to cheat, lie, act unethically and fuck up the constitution along the way it is all for a good cause - Republican power and dominance. Barr has seen Trump up close by now and knows he is a lying, unstable piece of shit and he obviously does not care at all. He is one of many who are willing to chuck everything good out the window in furtherance of some weird twisted vision of capitalism, corruption and freedom that I do not pretend to understand. When people are willing to ignore everything including science, knowledge, facts and common decency in order to prop up a corrupt ideology, we are no longer a two-party system. We are civilized beings trying to play chess with baboons.

The great majority of Americans have no idea of how big a threat this is to their future and the future of the country.


After Mueller Presser, Barr Digs In As Trump’s Shield Of Defense

That is what he promised he would do, he was hired in the expectations that he followed through, and he is doing it wholeheartedly. In a way is admirable a professional man that goes on to deliver what he promised, Trump must be so happy with him, hard to find good help nowadays.



He lies to the American people and is trying to coverup the GOP coverups.


“I think one of the ironies today is that people are saying that it’s President Trump that’s shredding our institutions. I really see no evidence of that, it is hard, and I really haven’t seen bill of particulars as to how that’s being done,”

Look in the mirror for Exhibit 1. You applied for your job by saying you were going to defend Trump from any and all charges and that is exactly what you have done.

People argue Barr has acted like Trump’s personal lawyer and those people are exactly right. He has acted as Trump’s personal lawyer. That dramatically changes the role of the AG and the institution of the Department of Justice. The DOJ isn’t called the Department of Justice as an Orwellian irony. It is called the Department of Justice because it is expected to promote and defend real justice and the rule of law for all citizens.