Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), the bill’s lead author, touted the bill’s deep cuts to Medicaid, saying that Medicaid spending currently is “unsustainable” [and if this bill passes, so will the lives of millions of children, old folks, and poor people be unsustainable] and “crowds out the federal budget” [i.e. makes no room for massive tax cuts for the rich].
Oh, yeah…and Heller’s a dick, too, as is anyone who votes for this bill or any cuts to Medicaid or Medicare.
Heller’s claim of a 30 percent funding increase is based on an “extremely misleading” comparison of apples and oranges.
“Here’s what they’re doing: they’re comparing funding levels under their block grant in 2026 to funding levels under the ACA in 2020. That doesn’t tell you about the funding states would receive in 2026 under current law, which is what you should be comparing,” she said. “When you take into account the per capita cap, Nevada loses funding. And we’re still crunching the numbers, but in some ways it seems to be even worse for Medicaid expansion states.”
Heller reply: But math is hard - and lying is easy.
But Heller—arguably the most vulnerable Senate Republican up for
reelection next year—has now jumped on board a new bill that would
deeply cut both over time.
His personal Senate seat and it’s peachy income and benefits are way more important than the needs of those hundreds of thousands of low income folks he was sent to represent…
This is classic “I got mine so fuck you”.
if you like your old Medicaid program, you can keep it.
Did he really say that?
I admire the courage of his convictions. /s
Be sure to REPUBLISH this story closer to election day or send it to local papers in his district…to remind voters he sold out. Otherwise, they’ll forget and just press the lever for the familiar crook!
So many ways to go on this.
First of all, the guy’s a patently opportunistic jerk who’s trying to cover his ass at both ends (wait, can that be a thing?). He can piss of his funders or he can piss off his voters. He’s gambling on one or the other turning out, but he hasn’t decided which.
Second, what is it with Republicant’s and the whole iPhone / healthcare thing? Jason Chaffetz made the same comparison. Christopher Ingraham eviscerated that argument.
Third, screw you heller.
Hypocrisy is banal and talk is cheap. Votes matter. Keller voted Yes on skinny repeal. So throw him out on that basis alone.
Maybe if enough cheap talking hypocrites privately assure the Majority Leasder of their yes vote, he might schedule a vote on something or other. Then we’ll see.
Profiles in Courage. Whadda guy.