Discussion: After Hobby Lobby Ruling, Conservatives Pushing Idea That Contraceptives Are Just About Sex

With a special emphasis on women.


Just in case anyone was unclear about whether or not Conservatives are for religious freedom or if they are for shutting down other people’s freedom, now we have the answer.


Didn’t the court basically say that since the government provided it for non-profits that an alternative would be for it to provide the service to those in for profits, where the owners have some religious dispute with it? So, you are cutting out the part that has the company pay for part, the government subsidizing a bit and the person paying to the government and the person? So, the tax money is paying for more…

How is this a win for them with their logic, they would be paying more than they were the other way.


I still remember very clearly a conversation I had with my mother back in 1973 right after Roe v Wade. She was a staunch supporter of abortion rights, and naturally was happy at the decision.

However, she then said something that surprised me at the time, because it just seemed so improbable. She said that the anti-abortion zealots weren’t just concerned about fetuses. No, their ultimate goal was to make contraception itself illegal, to make “pregnancy the penalty for sex,” as she put it.

She wasn’t Catholic, either. She grew up in rural Missouri during the 1920s and '30s, and the cultural and moral milieu was heavily influenced by Baptist and other conservative Protestant churches. She was well-acquainted with their views on sex and procreation, and those views have continued, if not strengthened, right up to the present era of Evangelical Christianism and Opus Dei reactionary Catholicism.

My initial skepticism about her assertion that conservative Christians were hostile to contraception itself has long since disappeared, as events of the past two decades have proven repeatedly that she was absolutely right.


Punishing one person for the misbehavior of another person is immoral. Making it more likely that a child is born unwanted is what these ‘conservatives’ are calling a consequence. Guess who suffers most?


Somehow the use and coverage of Viagra (and equivalent drugs) are not part of the American political sex discussion.


If only we could find out how many of these rightwingers under the age of 80 were virgins on their wedding nights.


Hey, Limpballs. Can’t get a stuffy in the Dominican Republic. We gotta pill for that.
What a f’ing hypocrite.


Really don’t get the fake outrage over this.

Most of their wives/girlfriends use birth control too. So, one can only assume that this is partisan posturing for the base.


Hell, the wife of that Duck Commander asshole Phil Robertson has now admitted that that their first son was born before they were legally married. Funny how the Evangelical Christianists seem not to be bothered by that at all.


“Consequence free sex”

That just about says it all. It summarizes the religious obsession with sex perfectly. The obvious question is: Why must sex have consequences? It’s as though they feel sex should be “earned” by getting married and having kids or punished by disease (and/or by having unwanted kids). This psychotic obsession with sex has to be grounded in religion.


Bingo. And the ironic thing is that that somewhere in America, a conservative Christian pastor who thunders at liberal immorality from the Sunday pulpit is at this very moment having hot and sweaty sex with some woman (or man) he is not married to.


Celibate people who want to impose their misery on others. Typical.


Like many important religious obsessions it is grounded in hearts of men afraid women would realize they are truly equal to men and should be treated as such.


You think?

I see them more as ‘wanna be’ bullies.

Determined to get back at the jocks that gave them atomic wedgies on a daily basis and cheerleaders who wouldn’t give them the time of day.

When they’re really nothing more than punks - and never will be anything more no matter what they do.


This is all pretty simple when viewed as sexual politics. It’s most likely that the male rightwing punditocracy is simply having revenge on a class of people (women) who have consistently rejected them their whole lives. It’s a boyish form of behavior and a near guarantee that they still won’t have any sexual success with women.


But they believe since he’s been washed clean by the blood of Jesus it no longer matters.

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Even more amazingly, another Robertson, televangelist Pat Robertson, married his wife only 11 weeks before their first child, Tim, was born.


So Rush Limpbo was talking about pills? For a condition? On his 4th wife?


Compulsory pregnancy?