Both Kasich and Cruz have refused to back the blustery real estate mogul, citing his proclivity for insults and lack of policy experience.
That’s as polite a description for Donald Trump as you’re ever gonna find. If one were honestly listing Trump’s shortcomings as a candidate and human being, it would be impossible to ignore the litany of hateful lies he has delivered and doubled down on, the bottomless ignorance he has displayed in all discussions of world affairs, and his loathsome self-adoration as a default setting in every conversation where he is out of his depth – and that, friends, is a fuckload of conversations.
“We think at the end of it there will be economic gain and job creation that will come from this.” Tell me again how a few-day convention creates jobs?
If nothing else it shows some smarts. He can read the handwriting on the wall and knows the Trump stank will follow anyone associated with the debacle
Too bad Marco I’m not Running Rubio didn’t have enough sense to stay away . Pandering piece of shit
This is the strange phenomenon that is Trump - the sane Repugs are floating to the top of the bowl. What’s terrifying is that they ain’t all that sane.
“We think at the end of it there will be economic gain and job creation that will come from this,” he said.
Of course there will be economic progress, Johnny. We are going to have Hillary Clinton as President, and a Democratic Party in majority in the Senate, and if the Universe smiles upon us a House majority as well.
That’s damning with faint praise. Mike Pence is as thick as a brick. That pence was elected governor tell you all you need to know of that hellhole that is Indiana.
Cruz spoke at the Convention because he wants to run again in 2020, and has learned from Donald Trump that any free publicity is good. And In November he can pound his chest and say “I told you so.”