Discussion: Administration Officials Get Discount At Trump’s Golf Club

To paraphrase Lady Macbeth, there’s not enough disinfectant in the world to clean the White House after these grifters finally depart.


It’s true about the culture war. Culture of corruption in the White House versus Joe citizen.

There will be report coming out soon under the culture of corruption in the White House that corporate executive salaries have exploded. Boom, boom!

Don’t forget to show up trumps golf course for your special employee Discount issue to all government employees.

Happy shopping folks.


Trump and company have been lawless for decades and no one, apparently, cared. While the country has been diligent in prosecuting petty crimes and drug crimes, and harassing the poor, the rich–through Democratic and Republican administration alike–have lived largely law-enforcement free. We need a simplified tax code that makes lawlessness easier to discern and prove, and to put sufficient resources into law enforcement so that prosecutors don’t crumble in the face of vigorous defense attorneys.


“Per Politico, the Office of Government Ethics mandates that federal officials cannot accept gifts worth more than $20. The golf club discount would be considered a gift, since it is not available to all government employees.”

It’s not a gift. It’s a discount. So they can buy lots and lots of gifts - for themselves and their friends and families.

And so Trump can make more profit breaking the laws and ethics rules.


Attention shoppers, here is a blue light special offer it at all trumps golf courses in the golf shop for all government employees.

Attention Democrats be sure show up at your local Trump golf course and get you employees discount which is 15% off on all merchandise and or 70% off on all clearance items

A shopper’s creed, when the going gets rough tough go shopping.

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I suspect the kind of people who can be bought off with golf club discounts are the kind of people who would be bound to Trump anyway.


Yeah, this is definitely a Hercules and the Augean stables thing.

Maybe the Brits would do us a solid and burn down the White House again?


This stuff used to be taken seriously. A friend of mine worked for the USDA’s Crop Reporting Service, and was sent on a tour of cut flower operations in California. One of the growers gave him a couple of armfuls of mums. When he got back to DC he distributed the flowers to all the women in the office.

He was called into the section head’s office and questioned about the flowers.They were given to him by a grower. The value to the grower was less than $10. But because the value of the flowers in DC was over $100, it triggered a USDA-IG and ethics investigation. After that, when he was sent out to tour cut flower operations and was given flowers, he put them in the nearest dumpster.


“The whole world is laughing at us.”

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The golf club discount would be considered a gift, since it is not available to all government employees.

Hmm… I would consider it to be a gift because it is not available to all customers.


and remember - it’s the pro-shop, not green fees or cart rentals or anything. next thing it will be ten percent off coupons for waffle breakfast at mar a lago


Damn! Spot on!


A federal offense to accept, and another federal offense to offer. Go figure. Secret Service in particular.


For years, the office I worked for wouldn’t even allow us to accept a cup of coffee at a meeting from a contractor. Instead, we had to pay - and if the meeting didn’t have a ‘kick-in’ cup, then we had to make one.

Also, back during the days when rental car companies were giving out trinkets like travel irons, etc to customers, we had to turn in the ‘gifts’ when we returned to the office and we had to confirm this in writing on our travel vouchers.


Is that splashing the sound of the swamp draining or Trump’s staffers shanking their drives on the 4th hole right into the water trap?

So if a government or civil servant shows up, asks for the discount and is not given it, then certainly they would have standing to sue, wouldn’t they?

I wish I knew a government employee who lived and worked in the area to test this out.

Norm Eisen, ethics czar during the Obama administration, told Politico that Trump’s discounts are unpatriotic.

I think a better term would be they are bribes


NCAA rules for recruiting were (and maybe still are – I’m decades beyond recruitment) similarly strict. About the only things a coach or recruiter could give to you without violating the rules were a brochure and a business card. Accepting a t-shirt could cost an athlete a year of eligibility.

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I don’t think a suit would succeed, but refusal to extend the discount to federal employees in general would generate evidence for charges that the discount was a gift…

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