This is very normal.
Paying the legal bills of this administration would exhaust the financial resources of several American oligarchs. Perhaps Becky Mercer will kick in a few bucks… but she may have some legal bills of her own soon.
Sheldon has a similar color, both complexion and hair, to Donnie, orangeish in tone. Do they go to the same stylist? One wonders.
Oh! I thought that the photo was a poster for the Tim Burton version of Tarantino’s movie… INGLORIOUS BASTARDS!
Be still, my heart!
Because, of course, they care about justice. I’m sure they’ve made lots of similar donations to legal aid societies and public defender agencies around the country.
And not one dollar for the ‘‘crisis at the Southern border’’? We should have a UN resolution and a clause in NAFTA whereby the US can’t invade another country until it stops being a banana republic.
Yes, and now we know that $500,000 is the going price for the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
As a member of the tribe, Adelson does not speak for me, and we share absolutely zero values. He supports a form of extremist Messianic ultra-orthodox views that have little to do with most America Jews. Nutiyahoo is the “reasonable” side the politics that Adelson supports, much of it is out and out racist, just like Adelson is.
The reality is that Adelson is a Fascist Jew, sort of like Trump is a Fascist Presbyterian. Neither religious group is highly correlated with Fascism, nor is either highly correlated with selling out America to our foreign enemies. Unfortunately both Adelson and Trump are.
The mere existence of this legal defense fund for T rumpp aides just demonstrates, in no uncertain terms, that criminal activity and treason against this country are a feature of this entire Administration. Never before has criminal activity been so thoroughly documented within the WH, and never before has any political party fought so fiercely to protect those criminals.
The contributions — 250,000 from each spouse — were the only ones made to the Patriot Legal Expense Fund Trust
So the bastards accused of colluding with Russia are now “patriots”. Good that I have refused to have the “patriot” label associated with me since the Bush Era “Patriot Act”. I take it as an offence if someone suggests I am a “patriot” or a “christian” .
Also unfortunately, they see our “enemies” as allies. In fact, they are allies, these fucking crooks of a feather. They are absolutely out of control.
It’s way more than “troubling”.
And They complain about Soros?
“Adelsons Contribute $500K To Russia Probe Legal Defense For Trump Aides”
'Cause they never met a right-wing felon they didn’t like.
From the article:
[quote]Industry experts said the opinion issued by the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel is contrary to the intent of the Wire Act, a 1961 Kennedy-era law. The pre-internet era law that forbade the use of interstate telephone transmissions to facilitate betting, they argue, was aimed at curbing organized crime’s influence in sports and racetrack wagering.
The Obama administration in 2011 issued an opinion that interpreted the Wire Act to apply only to sports wagering, and not to other types of gambling. That opinion set the stage for states to legalize internet gaming, and to expand state lottery offerings.[/quote]
[quote]Opponents of online gaming, which includes religious advocates who are morally opposed to gambling as well as brick-and-mortar commercial gaming interests that fear losing sales to internet operators, hailed the Trump administration’s stand as a return to sanity.
The Coalition to Stop Internet Gambling, which casino tycoon Adelson supports, called the Justice Department’s memo "a win for parents, children and other vulnerable populations.” [/quote]
Hurray! Now gambling-addicted parents can take the more moral path of driving to the Adelson-owned casino, betting while immersed in flashy promotion and being plied with drinks, then driving home to see whether their neglected kids are still safe. Such a great triumph against vice. Strange bedfellows, and all that.
That made it an easy sell for the Adelsons: “Obama did this, we want it undone.” Trump immediately calls Acting Attorney General McMinion and tells him to write a reversal decision.