Discussion: Actor Jon Voight: Obama Doesn't Love Israel, 'Whole Agenda Is To Control Israel'

I’d rather hear from Ratso.


I used to have an older friend who when defending the failed Bush presidency said “well, all this bash Bush stuff doesn’t sound very patriotic to me. I just think we should all come together and support our president in a time of war”.

I’ll give you three guesses as to how he has “come together to support” President Obama.


Oh Yeah?

I heard that Jeb Bush doesn’t love Liechtenstein, Rand Paul has no use for Haiti and Scott Walker hates a lot of Cheeseheads and is secretly a Bears fan.


Wait a minute, I thought actors were supposed to shut up about politics and just act, I’ve been hearing that for decades from the right.


I’m pretty sure nobody needs the first two guesses.

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Riiiiiiight. Netanyahu makes a side deal with the Rs, comes here and makes a complete fool of himself–oh, and just like every wingnut head-of-state on the planet in living memory, effs up his country’s economy right down to the ground . . . and it’s President Obama’s fault.


Be careful, don’t blow his cover.

Love (to hate) the character Mickey Donovan. Unfortunately Voight speaks outside of that role and spouts BS like this.

I pray to God to keep Israel safe, and America as well.

America: the exceptional afterthought.

Jon Voight speaking on world affairs is the sound of neurons stretching to their limit to make contact with one another.


One wishes the President had the power displayed in Jon Voight’s magical thinking.


Never knew that Bibi, and Bibi alone, was the embodiment of the State of Israel.


Such a talented actor . . . I mean, even in a movie as bad as Pearl Harbor, he turned in a good performance.

Too bad he’s gone so far off the deep end. Must be a real joy at wrap parties.


Obama and Herzog apparently want their greatest fears to come true, or are recklessly indifferent to the possibility according to Voight. What a tool to believe that the Israeli center and left are either intrinsically evil, or recklessly indifferent to the existence of Israel. What a hypocrite and asshole to pass judgment on what’s in anybody else’s heart. This is just another tablespoon of preposterous nonsense from a delusional right winger who used to be a good actor.


Is this man really Angelina Jolie’s father? It is a good thing she was raised by her mom.


“President Obama does not love Israel. His whole agenda is to control Israel and this way he can be friends with all of Israel’s enemies. He doesn’t want Bibi Netanyahu to win this upcoming election,”

This just does not make any sense at all. Why would any US president “love” another country? You only get to “love” one and Israel ain’t it. Does this mean Jon thinks Israel should be considered a state of the US?

Hey, Jon. Stick to acting.


Jews control the world, and Obama wants to control the Jews!
Next up, Victoria Jackson’s opinion on the Israeli elections.


I think that some people in Israel are waking up to the fact they have other choices.

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Years ago a post by Voight is what got me started blogging. I registered just to put my two cents worth in regarding what I considered to be crazy talk then, the Obama campaign years.
Who new that the entire Republican Party would become looney toons right along with him.
This is just more throwaway talk that has about as much meaning as a teabagger rally.


Everbody’s talkin’ at him
He don’t hear a word they’re sayin’
Only the echoes of his mind.


Jon Voight: Obama Doesn’t Love Israel, ‘Whole Agenda Is To Control Israel’

That’s a bat guano fountain of ODS right there.

Jon-boy doesn’t love Obama, whole agenda is to disrespect the office of the POTUS.