Discussion: ACLU Accuses Trump Admin Of Misleading Parents, Rushing Deportations

The ACLU warns that unless the judge intervenes, deportations without informed consent are sure to spike in the coming days.

Informed consent seems to be a problem in today’s society.

This is why I was so happy to read about AG WA Ferguson suing the administration. The investigation needs to look at who is giving direction to these ICE agents.


Criminal is as criminal does.

All agents following these illegal activities should be held criminally responsible. They are very aware of the intent of the constitutional.


The USA is Kidnapping children. How is it that that is not the story here? ACLU failure of some kind I think. People should have gone to jail the first time somebody alluded to not being able to connect a child with a parent at least via a paper trail.

Conservatives don’t comprehend the concept of “consent”.

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What is the Fed Gov’s ultimate goal in this parent-child separation policy? I assume the short-term goal is to terrorize the poor parents, by what will happen to the kids left behind in the long-term?

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I’m not sure they even thought that through. They just wanted to commit terrorist acts. Some of the kids will get lost in foster care and be too young to tell anyone who their parents are or what country their from. Others will have their asylum claims duly rejected because they can’t make a credible case. Then they’ll be shipped back to the same country as their parents and ICE will consider the matter closed. Albeit if airlines refuse to carry these kids it gets interesting.

Great question. We have no idea what happens to these traumatized kids.