What a SchockOfShit…!
Sort of the crusty old white dude thing to do, isn’t it?
Schock will be getting visits from the ghosts of past and present. Someone send him a copy of Scrooged, stat.
“During the course of the past year, I too have been forced to wrestle with my own prejudices. At times, I’ve joined the bigoted banter and helped to scratch the old wounds of racism.” --Benjamin Cole, commenting on the election of President Barack Obama.
Believe it or not, black people actually know what white people really think about them.
[quote=“BoscoBrown, post:4, topic:16408, full:true”]ar
Names, I need names for the following, “… for rising Republican star Rep. Aaron Schock’s (R-IL)” Just who are these people that claim Schock is a "…rising Republican star…?Can anyone define what a “rising Republican star is?”
Yes, a rising Republican star is someone who is under 50, or a woman, and/or a minority. Anyone who allows Republicans to pretend they’re not the party of crusty, old, white guys is a rising star. For examples, see Mia Love, Ben Carson, the Young Guns (hahahaha Eric Cantor!), Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Marsha Blackburn, Joni Ernst, etc.
And I thought(and still do) that MY(and I say it sadly) Senators: McConnell and Ron Paul’s little boy are bad news.
What does “rising Republican star Rep. Aaron Schock” mean? And, perhaps you meant “starlet?”
If this guy, a supposed PR professional, cannot understand that what he posts on his personal facebook page is going to reflect badly on his boss and the Republican Party, then he deserves to be thrown out on his ear.
Take a look at the original article on Think Progress. When you see the posts as a whole, the race of the women becomes pretty clear.
From the photos of the red-painted house on ThinkProgress, we now have the answer to “who chose the color of Schock’s office walls?”
Wait a minute. The headline said the guy allegedly compared blacks to zoo animals but the article said the ethnicity of the woman in the screen shot was unclear. Who gives a shit what Think Progress said? The headline promised something that was unsubstantiated and unexplained in the story. TPM, unless you’re ready to call up Think Progress and unpack that publication’s rationale - or unless you drop the ethnic angle altogether - you should not have run this. Standards.
The same Aaron Schock with the schlocky bordello office decor his aide didn’t want to be photographed? I’m schocked, schocked, I tell you!
Ummmm, yes. I have no problem with a person comparing a specific person to an animal. I have often said GW Bush looks like a chimp, and Cheney like a gorilla, and Condi like an orangutan. So? I’ve seen people of all kinds that look like apes. I’ve seen some that have more of a bird type face. I’ve seen rounded ones that could pass for the pig family. So?
Now if a person compares a GROUP of people clumped by race/ethnicity to animals, that is racist/bigoted.
Where is the crying about ‘political correctness’? Everytime one of these Teabaggers has what they REALLY THINK appear in public they always whine about ‘political correctness.’
Oh but his office looks so nice.
They should listen to Granny, you know – “Wars have been waged with less fervour.”
Yes, Rummy, Wolfie and Perle have kind of apish looks too. The only one who looked “non-apish” was Powell, and he was the smart one and got the hell out of there. Those neocons are NUTS, and their strategies were quite “primitive”.
Goodbye Mr. Cole. And take your boss with you.
“Fascinating.” “Fascinating.” “Fascinating.” “Fascinating.” -Spox