Discussion: A Tobacco Giant Is Panicking Over This John Oliver Segment (VIDEO)

Tobacco has been used for centuries – people do bad things for various reasons. There is a market for disgusting things. Modern corporations have upped this to 11. Others can restrain them.

I see the disgust but on some level it’s a tad overblown. It doesn’t take 100% PR to have kids think rebellion by doing bad things like drag car racing or using “less cool” drugs than pot or not using condoms or whatever is fun. It didn’t take 100% PR for some woman to use cigs as a sort of diet drug.

The advertising ups their sales, obviously. Even with all the actions against tobacco in this country, however, there would be a fairly profitable market for a smaller scale business model.

Yeah well, I rebelled some and the thought of smoking cigarettes didn’t cross my mind as a way to prove anything. I did smoke a bit for a while I guess as an experimentation thing and because everyone, including both of my parents, were smoking. I think that I was born with a bit of the craving.

All of your examples don’t really relate to cigarettes as far as I am concerned. Racing your vehicle isn’t rebellion, its fricking fun, I did that. I tried more than a few drugs, including pot, and walked away because I didn’t like them but had to find out for myself. Condoms and rebellion seems like a ridiculous argument. Its more of a smarts issue or could care less thing, not a, I’ll make a baby to teach my parents deal. Or get crabs because I’m mad at my teacher. The woman smoking thing I have no clue about other than it was ‘advertised’ as sexy.

Lets say that the dead opposite advertising was continuously made against tobacco in every form, billboards, TV, magazines, since the very beginning and all of the death and disfigurement were displayed. Would that not have a huge anti-effect against smoking, dipping, etc.

Advertising makes and or would break the tobacco industry even if they kept the hardcores as customers.
Big Hemp should go this route to push out tobacco and to gain market share.

Pregnant? smoking? no problem…as long as it’s 1954
A full decade before the Surgeon Generals report conclusively linked lung cancer and cigarette smoking, the Tobacco Industry Research Committee confirmed there was “no proof that cigarette smoking is a cause of lung cancer” so my own baby-bound mother blissfully puffed away while pregnant with me. “Let up and light up” was the advise not only in advertising but by doctors.Check out some of these vintage cigarette ads http://wp.me/p2qifI-1Zr


Hey my mother loved me too but didn’t know any better and smoked while pregnant with me. One of the last things she did before dying while I held her hand was to take the oxygen mask off to have a smoke.

Lawyers: we don’t want to to see it.
Marketing: It is a go from legal.

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