Discussion: A Timeline Of Events: How Cruz’s Camp Spun a Ben Carson Hoax In Iowa

Discussion for article #245488

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So he took a page straight out of Cheney’s book, confidentially leak a lie to the media then publicly point to said media as proof the lie is correct.

So both Cruz’s and CNN come off looking bad. Cruz for his character (coupled with his fake government flier he will knowingly lie no problem) And the media that just won’t learn to be played so easily because they view themselves as nothing but stenographers trying to get gossip on politicians.


Fresh clothes? He should be getting a fresh mug of coffee and a fresh energy bar.

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Rat Fucking - it’s what we do!


Cruz is setting a new low bar for sleaze, even for politics…how is it the evangelical’s favorite candidate is the worst cheater?

Just more proof the whole lot of them aren’t what they claim to be.


a page from the Rove playbook which originated with Lee Atwater. Remember it was Rove that spread the rumors during the S. Carolina primary in 2000 that McCain’s adopted AA daughter was a half-breed love child…

they’re all scumsucking pigs but I am rather enjoying them eat each other right now


Don’t know why Trump quickly deleted this “In one quickly deleted tweet, he said Cruz “illegally stole” his win”
Why? Seems like voting fraud should be illegal-unless smarmy lawyer Ted knows different.

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November 8, 2016: The GOP ticket of Trump/Cruz (formed as a compromise after the party convention turned violent) was trounced in all 50 states by Clinton/Castro.


The way Doc Carson is eyeing Cruz, he looks like he is aching to act on advice he’s receiving from his 14-year old self.


Luckily, Cruz lives in Texas now, where belt buckles cover a guy from neck to knee.


Doubt this even mattered by Monday. Carson, supposedly the fundi darling in Iowa, has been quite apt at killing his campaign one bland debate performance and yet another public pout at a time. The press pretty much stopped covering him a month ago.


This was a classic rat fucking.

Jeff Roe is Ted Cruz’s campaign manager. As outlined in a recent article by Andy Kroll (1) Roe makes Karl Rove seem like Mr. Rogers in comparison.

  1. https://newrepublic.com/article/127717/ted-cruzs-howitzer

Except that they don’t vote in Iowa. The caucus is really a joke since it doesn’t even determine national delegates to the convention, which is a joke in itself.

We really need to change to a national primary system set up by region where people can vote for whoever they want to. The over scrutiny of Iowa and NH, two states that are completely unrepresentative of the country as a whole, needs to end.


Anybody surprised that Cruz is scumbag?


FIdEL or RAOUL, LIBtard?


I’m sorry but all this excitement is a load of BS. Yeah, Cruz is a scumbag. But it’s obvious that Carson won’t last long – which is why the rumor of him dropping out was believable. And if the second choice of Carson voters was Cruz, so what? They didn’t have to vote for Cruz instead, and if they did it was their own decision.

This is all just Trump being a sore loser. Let him do it, he doesn’t need any help. And if you want to blame anyone, blame CNN for being a useless misinformation outlet.


first rule of politics…

if ya ain’t cheatin’ ya ain’t tryin’

Donnie apparently forgot to learn that one as well as ‘ground game’

altho it also works in business too… you’da thunk ‘super businessman’ Donnie woulda learned that one in business school…


Joaquin. Or Julian. Either one.


How could establishment Republicans not like a guy seems to be channeling the ghost of Richard Nixon?!


Why is it no surprise that Ted Cruz would have the quickest, most effective Sagretti-esque ‘ratfucking’ campaign. It IS a surprise that Trump would make an issue of it, though. One would think a New Yorker would see that stuff coming.