Discussion: A Step Too Far

Discussion for article #232459

Netanyahu will hold fast to his plans and wait for the propaganda to take hold.

Watch for op-eds and articles screaming about the Iranian nuke threat. They are already beginning to appear and the number will grow. The right is simply very good at hammering a message. They have the message delivery network established and a history of success in such situations. Remember Condi Rice’s “Don’t Want Smoking Gun To Be A Mushroom Cloud.”

The day after the president’s decidedly petulant State of the Union address, the tide started to turn against him on Iran.
A satellite image on Israel’s Channel 2 News showed a roughly 90-foot-long intercontinental ballistic missile on a launch pad at a site near the Iranian capital of Tehran. The existence of the Iranian ICBM undermined Mr. Obama’s claim that his administration has “halted” progress on Iran’s nuclear program. EDITORIAL: Obama’s enabling of Iran’s nuclear program

Scary scary…
Iran to speed up unranium enrichment

TEHRAN: Iran’s parliament has started to draft a law that would allow the country’s nuclear scientists to intensify their uranium enrichment, a step that could complicate ongoing talks with world powers.

The rallying cries are out and more will come:

The State of the Union Is Great for Iran

Obama wrongly views Iran as a potential partner and Congress as a current adversary. US News and World Report

Graham sees mushroom clouds a comin’

“And the Arabs told me, and the Israelis told me, that if you do a nuclear deal with Iran like we’re proposing – which is a North Korea in the making – then you’re going to have a nuclear arms race in the Middle East,” The Hill.

Sane people need to raise their voices and weigh in on this issue.