Yup. The Queen (as a figurehead) responded to a request from the Prime Minister (head of government), and basically was expected/required to agree to the meeting. They did, however, keep it very short, and the lack of other participants sent its own very subtle, but very clear message.
(Ahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa…! Sorry, couldn’t help myself. Also, Putin arrived late at the meeting with Spankee and left him kicking his heels. Ahahahahahahahahhahaaaaaaaaa!!)
The Queen is bulletproof; the rest of the royals are protecting their own brands. No one wants to have footage of them shaking hands with Trump turn up on TV.
Snubbing narcissism is an act of self-preservation. Even Elizabeth II of England suffered indignities during the brief encounter with Trump, yet his ilk take the greatest offense when avoided.
Yeah, being a bit catty here, but couldn’t she have sprung for Spanx? Or at least for a half slip under it? Or let the damned skirt out a bit if she’s porking out these days.
If I were the House of Dior, I would be embarassed to see the saggy butt. Not good advertising. And white just makes it even more noticeable.
The Asshole, being a creature of TV and the publicity stunt, is probably well aware of the snubs administered by the royals this week. But his boundless narcissism allows him to deceive his superego into believing that the meager crumbs received were the greatest honors ever given a commoner. On the other hand, his id rages more than ever, and it won’t be long before he egotistically tweets some blather about how this service to his magnificence performed by the royals demonstrates his greatness.
That tie looks like the regimental tie of the Household Cavalry or the Guards. One of the British papers will no doubt point out which one.
(If you go to the UK on business or even casually, avoid rep ties; people will think you’re claiming membership in a group you don’t actually have.)
There is a difference in the direction of the stripes (American vs European). Even if the colors are the same, the difference in the direction of the striping may save him from a complete faux pas (assuming he has an American-striped tie).