I understand what you’re saying. Yes, it was common in many places and never talked about. What’s healthy is that it’s finally coming out in the open and those who were abused can now speak about it without being shamed and castigated.
The good that can come of this is that all powerful people who thought they could bury such actions (or passive acceptance) of sexual abuse should learn that there is no excuse. They should realize the harm they allowed and that the correct thing to do is take active measures to prevent it from ever harming anyone again. Jordan is hiding behind his position and hoped he could bury this ugly past, but now it’s staring him in the face. A true leader would acknowledge it and change course. Something tells me he’s going down denying it to the end.
I hope this guy has a credible opponent in the election. We can see if the people of Ohio will re-elect someone who protects perverts. Oh, I forgot all Republicans protect the “Pervert-in-Chief.”
So the earlier story said that a lot of faculty and administration types showed up in the showers at the same time as the athletes. On the one hand, shared locker facilities, but on the other hand the kind of creepiness that by the 90s people should have been looking out for. (And yeah, when I was a kid – single digits – the pool at the local university was naked. It was definitely a different time.)
It looks like Jordan’s former team is trying to take him down. The standard defense is to sprawl forward, push your opponent down and away from you a bit, step into the space created with bent knee, and twist your body to either roll your opponent off you or flip him over your shoulder. The only problem Jordan has is that his knee may not be strong enough to pivot with, having bent so many times for Trump.