In Trump’s GOP, this isn’t a big deal.
Actually its considered an asset.
“I’m a Republican and Jim’s a good guy and I gave him money, but he knew we were all sexually abused and did nothing and is now calling us liars.”
Yup, summarizes it perfectly. What the fuck can you possibly say to that?
Donald Trump lent his support to Jordan on Thursday, saying that he doesn’t “believe [the wrestlers] at all” and only believes Jordan. “As a matter of fact, I don’t believe any other accusers, unless they’re accusing Bill Clinton or any other Democrat.”
I read another article about Dailey, who said that he was coming forward specifically because he felt that many men simply could never admit that something like this happened to them and he wanted to show them that they were not alone.
What is really sad here is that it doesn’t sound like any of these men blame Jordan for not having done more – some of them might have not wanted anyone to make reports, and Jordan was an assistant and not in charge, so might have deferred to the coach. That would not exactly make him brave but it would be understandable. Instead, he denies everything and by implication accuses others of lying about their own accounts. And these are people who have supported him in the past. There must be a lot else to this story . . .
Though it sounds like POTUS would toss him a pardon for the asking.
"President Donald Trump lent his support to Jordan on Thursday, saying that he doesn’t ‘believe [the wrestlers] at all’ "
Just locker room talk right? Oh wait a second.
God damn, I hope he digs in his heels and tries to hang on to his seat. I want to see this shitbag become the face of the GrOPe. I want to see this guy tied around the neck of every fucking Republican running for any office, anywhere in the United States. They deserve this creep. They all deserve to go down with him, hard and fast.
President can’t pardon for non-federal offenses. But I would imagine the limitations period has long run for anything Jordan did or failed to do, unless there are other things that have yet to come out.
To be ever so slightly fair to Jordan, he was put in a terrible position. Nobody asks to be put in a position to report abuse… any imperfect human would feel some temptation, however slight, to put your head down and turn away.
But he’s a man who was put in a terrible position and made, in turn, terrible decisions and failed terribly, both ethically and probably legally. Certainly a man unfit for leadership.
All of these alpha macho snowflakes think the “I can shoot a person” credo automatically applies to them. See: Pruitt, S., Manafort, P., Prince, E., ad nauseum. Sadly, they might be right.
The silence Jordan perpetuated was collusion with the abuser. Just like all 'pubs:
“There’s two people I think Putin pays: Rohrabacher and Trump,” McCarthy
said, according to Entous, a superb reporter who heard a tape recording
of the colloquy. “Swear to God.”
McCarthy’s remark is met with laughter, and Ryan cautions his
colleagues, “This is an off the record . . . No leaks! . . . All right?”
And then, amid more laughter, Ryan says, “This is how we know we’re a real family here.”
“That’s how you know that we’re tight,” Steve Scalise, the House Majority Whip, says.
“What’s said in the family stays in the family,” Ryan concludes.
Obviously, Jordan is lying. Maybe he’s a cock sucker too. Sad.
As someone who was involved in athletics in high school, and suffered through his fair share of hazing (and is also a CSA survivor) I have so many emotions about all this. I’m of course grateful that we are finally maybe not tolerating this kind of shit anymore. And I’m overwhelmed by the “good god, another one?” of the news. But in a weird way, about guys like Jordan, I’m conflicted. First OF COURSE YOU FUCKING KNEW EVERYBODY KNEW EVERYBODY ALWAYS KNOWS. I mean, I know nothing about the Ohio State situation in particular, but it was a “different time” as they say, and everybody knew, they just ignored it, pretended it didn’t happen. It was awful, but like one of the OSU wrestlers said, you just sort of grin and bear it if you want to play. These sorts of open secrets were COMMON. And so, while I hate everything that happened, I don’t know how much we should pile on peripheral figures who weren’t actually involved but who didn’t say anything. I don’t think you can understand how much this was part of the culture without having lived through it.
So. I’m so glad things are finally changing. And I want perpetrators prosecuted. Active cover ups like USA gymnastics deserve thorough investigation and punishments where appropriate. But a “passive coverup” (for lack of a better term)? I dunno. I’m not sure that hanging scalps of people like Jordan is helpful.
I gather I was wrong about Jordan not responding to the school’s investigators’ emails; bad email address. BUT I also believe that in these circles Jordan would’ve heard that Strauss was being investigated by the school. NOW he seems to have managed to piss all these men who are generally fond of him off by calling them liars, swearing he did not know because they did not tell him when they say they DID tell him.GET
Now I ‘get’ that the young men involved were embarrassed and did not go officially to the University to complain; I GET THAT. But he was a COACH, in a position to start an investigation or even just bring it to the University.
“Jimmy’s a good guy,” but a MOFO LIAR!
I think that’s a valid question as far as, say, criminal prosecution goes. Maybe even civil litigation, I don’t know. Not sure where I come down on things at the end, but it’s a fair discussion to have.
But Jordan is demonstrably unfit to lead, and these accusations should drive him out of office. He had a responsibility to act and he was found wanting.
Let us not forget,at one time this guy worked for Jordan
A school the size of Ohio State? With the size of their sports programs? Yeah, they do.
My kid played a lot of sports at a well-funded high school and they had a specialist in sports medicine on the sidelines at every game and wrestling meet. Not a doc but a “trainer” of sorts that the kids all saw when they were hurt or injured. Great people, from what I experienced.
Well, as far as that goes, the list of reason Jordan is unfit to lead is long. But yes, this is another to add to the list.
It will be hilarious if Dr. Strauss was a volunteer and they are going to be on the hook for a ‘free’ doctor. Millions and millions of dollars. (Not blaming OSU btw; it appears they acted responsibly once somebody brought forth a credible allegation,)
ALSO OSU is a big-time sports school. I am not surprised they had a doctor responsible for their big-time athletes’ medical care.