Discussion: 7 Burning Questions For Jeff Sessions

Sessions will alternate between pleading amnesia and invoking a retooled “I Don’t Feel Like Talking About My Conversations With The President” dodge. He’ll take a few hits from Democrats, but Republicans will give him a soothing tongue bath. Trump will pat him on the noggin and not fire him this week.

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“The Hammers is the name of what English football team?”


Did you mislead the Senate? That’s phrased as a jury question. The ultimate question you never ask because that just invites further misleading.

The question to ask is: Why did you mislead the Senate on your Russian involvement three times!?


Sessions is merely following the Nunes’ model of recusal, which is that when the media asks if you’re involved you say you’ve recused yourself, then privately and intentionally continue doing what you’ve been doing, involving yourself in any aspect you believe will benefit yourself and your party. Sessions like Nunes is protecting a shitty, lying corrupt administration. It is the be-all and end-all of some larger objective…That’s how GOP winning works.

That’s how running roughshod is done…no different than how Trumpcare is on its way to being passed without any input or oversight…A new low. No rules are sacrosanct, ethics are for others, moral imperatives are discretionary, and laws are made for little people to follow. These people are evil. They are traitors…Sessions, Nunes, the entire cabinet of Bumpy the Clown’s fawning politburo…and Rethuglicans have absolutely no problem with any of this.

Also, I predicted 11 days ago that trump would have no problem firing Mueller if it meant simply delaying the inevitable, and if Mueller got closer to uncovering where all trump’s compromised financial matters lie vis a vis Russia. I have no doubt if it does happen, it will happen in a moment of pique, not as some well thought-through process either. Surprised anyone is surprised by this new development and yesterday’s hubbub.

Does Sessions think Marc Kasowitz would have made a better Attorney General?

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Who constitutes the “hard left”?


Not going to get into a Bernie-bashing session here, which is what would happen if I answere :innocent: d

4.5% alcohol by vol.


Well, I’d never put it past the Dems to f things up, but listening to my son (a millenial, very stubborn former Bernie-bro) & his friends, it seems to me at least some new-school kinda lefties are done with the 3rd party stuff. Shell-shocked, I’d say. Helluva civics lesson, the last year or so.

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a) There’s no way Dem senators can elicit answers to these questions within a 5-minute period
b) There’s no way Repuke senators are going to ask about anything other than Loretta Lynch
c) If Littlefinger won’t accept KKKeebler’s resignation, why can’t he just stop going to the office and implicitly tell Dump to screw himself?

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Unfortunately, the final result of my chocolate cookies has always been a burning question, as in, “Who burned the damn cookies?”

and BTW, how did we get on this topic?

Gotta wonder why Sessions Met with the Russians. I would ask if he has some financial ties with them. Put it out there for him to affirm or lie about it. The Feds may have already uncovered some evidence.

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I thought the request from Comey came the next day.

What time is this Congressional circus supposed to begin? Anyone? Just curious.

2:30 PM EDT according to CSPAN

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Thanks…I’ll get out and do some errands then while the temperature is still tolerable. It will continue to be oppressive outside by early afternoon here. Between the heat, the GOP and this dumpster fire of an administration, its hard to say what is more oppressive and exhausting right now.


And what was Sessions’ role in the abysmal planning to replace the the 93 fired District Attorney’s ? If Trump wants to replace them, fine. But to fire them all same day with no planning on replacing them is a story of desperation that Sessions needs to be asked about. (Hat tip to Rachel of course). Only 1 nomination so far.

" Once you’ve engaged in traitorous activities and perjured yourself once, what’s a little more perjury?"

I like thay question, they should ask that one first.

Mostly I just read the comments and admire the quality of the banter. As a cookie baking daughter of a cookie baker, I finally felt I could add to the discussion. Also, in these troubled times the world could use as many cookies as possible. I know I could.


7 Burning Questions for Jeff Sessions:

  1. Where are you on the Benghazi hearings? Ya know, the base can’t get enough of those.
  2. Is the video of Trump with Russian hookers in color or black and white?
  3. If video is in black and white, are the colors properly segregated? Just askin’, you know…
  4. Can you spell recusal and do you even know what it means?
  5. When did you first realize Mr. Trump is a narcissistic sociopath?
  6. Re: Question #5. Is that what attracted you to Mr. Trump or was it his racist tendencies?
  7. WTF are all you Trump guys doing with Russia? I mean, do you all get honorary citizenship in Russia or just Cayman bank accounts?
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