And do the signers of this letter have any suggestion as to how Feckless Rex is supposed to impose some sanity on the Mango Menace? I didn’t think so.
It’s a nice try, but I am fairly sure that Donnie Two Scoops isn’t paying any attention to Rexy – or anybody else, for that matter.
“I’m just an old multi-millionaire from Texas, a former CEO of one of the world’s biggest multi-national corporations, the Secretary of State of the United States. How do you expect me to rein in Trump’s comments and tweets? I’m not a fucking psychiatrist.”
Does anyone?
I think that’s the point of the letter. Whether or not he can be reined in, the GOP owns him.
Yep. They are just establishing a paper trail.
As if this is about State. It’s about Trump and it’s not going to stop. Folks, it wasn’t that long ago that we saw this go down under a different wanna be tough guy, draft dodging and sinking President. Inflate to the point of absurdity the threat from a small county, pound your chest with “shock and awe” or “fire and fury” nonsense then make a huge mistake. It wasn’t about a real threat the first time and it’s not about one this time. Reason failed in 2003 as did facts. In the end we killed a lot of people…a lot of our own died and we created the biggest international political problem of the century so far. Just a reminder, the USA created the refugee problem.
Strike one: Afghanistan. Strike two: Iraq. And for the next pitch Trump’s at bat.
It’s important because I have no doubt in future months and years as we pick up the pieces, they’ll blandly say he wasn’t a real conservative and nobody could have guessed how naughty and unsuitable he was and the people made their choice, all that. It can’t be allowed to happen that way.
60-Plus House Dems Ask Tillerson To Rein In Trump Comments On North Korea
Tillerson: Hey, don’t look at me. I’m just here for the Russian oil… and because my wife wanted me to take the job.
House Dems also admonished Tillerson for the tardiness of his promised report “Herding Cats in City Environments of the U.S. Eastern Seaboard”.
I have no doubt in future months and years as we pick up the pieces, they’ll blandly say he wasn’t a real conservative and nobody could have guessed…
Yes, they will say that. And unfortunately, any price they pay at the ballot box will last just a few years at best.
OT, but sorta related–
Trump is considering sanctions against Venezuela for its human rights abuses. This has senators from Gulf Coast refinery states concerned. Their letter to Trump:
EDIT–They want Trump to be nuanced and thoughtful about all the domestic and international ramifications. Good luck with that, Senators.
The GOP will so dramatically redraw districts after the 2020 Census their House majorities will be guaranteed almost in perpetuity.
Reluctantly agree. Trump wouldn’t have been a viable candidate in a society that wasn’t famously afflicted as a whole by ADD and a frivolousness about the wider world beyond the kitchen table.
“Yeah, but Hillary is such a hawk…”
Oh, brother, this two-bit jerk is going to get us all killed!
A man who allows himself to be berated by Dr. Seb Gorka is not going to take hold of the situation.
Good point.
And then the Orange Julias Ceasar tweets this crap:
Serial draft dodger doesn’t know a thing about combat or the horror of war, thinks “locked and loaded” is how actual members of the armed forces talk.