Discussion: 52% Of Americans Say Country Worse Off Under Trump, According To AP Poll

And maybe deplorable too?


Looks like this hair transplant treatment failed him, BADLY!

Look at that thining frail looking rug affixed upon the dotard’s head!

Hey Donald the Dotard, you are looking BAD, my friend, you are looking really BAD.

Just a matter of time for the majority of U. S. Citizens to run your ass out of our White House!!!


Both of them ended up being pure stinky ASSES!

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I tweeted it and thanked [@]ThunderClapnewm. So sorry to disappoint you.


You’re incorrigible. But you didn’t do it right. Keep trying.

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OT but a good thread.

Trumps , when are you going to get a new wig ?

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Trump’s own family and members of his administrative cabinet have publicly declared that Donald is the greatest President of all time, and numerous tweets by Donnie T. concur.
Therefore, all of these national polls suggesting otherwise must be fake news.

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I am wondering what it will take for folks to protest and go to the street. Nixon didn’t just decide to retire. It took a lot of protests to make Congress act. In this day of internet and social networking, that’s just not happening and it’s shocking what Trump is doing with no responsible counter-reaction.

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At least he’s creating jobs in the hair styling industry.

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And the spray tan industry.

@beeliever - I sincerely hope you were on the streets where you were on January 21. The resistance has more tools than protest but so far it seems to me that the numbers of Americans who have turned out - in January and every time the neoNazis have turned out - are much larger numbers than I have seen since the 60s.

Nixon’s resignation had little and likely nothing to do with the protests. His abrupt ending of the Vietnam War was about the protests.

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The pig shit wrapped in lies clinches the greatness for this illustration. Btw, I couldn’t find a memorable euphemism for pig shit. For horses it’s horse apples or road apples; for cows it’s cow pies or cow patties or meadow muffins. Nothing for pigs. As Our President would say: SAD!


President Trump would be better off with a hair stylist that works with papier-mâché.


Make Atherosclerosis Great Again


you are fighting people with a huge sense of confirmation bias that helps them feel ‘safe’.

Yes, but if you think of this group as a large tapestry (metaphorically), I hope that some on the edges start questioning, start doubting, and then start listening beyond their confirmation bias bubble. Do that cycle enough times and the edges of the tapestry fray further and further eroding the size of the tapestry. Started happening towards the end of W’s first term and continued through his second term - which led to the wave elections of 2006, and 2008.

But that time the excuse was that the GOP “lost their way” because “W wasn’t really conservative - look at his big spending ways!” This time - with this particular vote - all of the GOP has thrown away the excuse of the problem being the top of the party leading the other pols away from ‘conservative small govt principles’. I am hoping bigger swaths of the tapestry begin to fray away - and that same old excuse (post 2008) inoculates some of those who leave the bubble from being drawn back into the bubble.

Call me both overly cynical and optimistic. I know - odd combination.

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Give it a few more months and it will be 70%.


I know squat about Tweeting. I retweet all the time, but that’s about it. I’ll take a look.

Try, try again! OK, took me two tweets because I left off @thunderclapnewman’s caption, but it’s in my stream now. I have like 8 followers, but they are mouthy.


The percentage of people saying the country is worse off is astonishing at a time when the unemployment rate is around 4%. You might think it took hard work and planning to make Americans who are working so unhappy with current conditions. Instead, Trump has made disappointing and angering Americans look easy.
The current economic stability accompanied by a rising stock market won’t stay as it is. When something bad happens to the economy and/or the stock market, there will be hell to pay. If that is accompanied by a Democratic Congress, it will be Donald Trump and his minions dong the paying.


Trump the destroyer!

Trump’s intent is to break America and to make her so weak, to allow Putin and his gangbusters to come in and take all of our wealth!

BEWARE, we have a Putin-Puppet navigating this shit!

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