Discussion: 500 Ex-DOJ Officials Sign Petition To Protect Mueller, Rosenstein

‘‘They’re colluding against me! They’re the collusion!’’


A very sober, very convincing move. But will it play on Fix Schmooze? Will it even be mentioned on Fix Schmooze?

On a more practical level, will copies of the petition be hand-delivered to every congressional and senatorial office, by one or more of the signers, who will then explain what they are doing, and why? THAT might bet some attention.


Dotard’s gonna do what Dotard’s gonna do. These 500 people have no influence on him and if he decides to fire, he will. Knowing so many people are against it may give him the warped incentive to do so anyway. These 500 people are expecting reason and reason no longer applies to Washington.


Think what place we’re in that 500 of our best and brightest have to remind the president about the rule of law.

On the sorta good side tactically speaking, this is also a polite warning from the deep state about the consequences of firing Mueller.


Are any of them millionaires? No? Oh, well.


It also messes with Trump’s head. He knows these people are somehow a force to be reckoned with.

But he has no idea what this letter means, or who these people are, or how to combat them.


Not holding my breath on Congress…Oh, and there is this.


How naive to expect Dotard to allow justice to prevail.

Lock him up!

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Meanwhile back in Congress mums the word on protecting Mueller, more of their incompetence. Somehow they just don’t give a rip about their country, did rather play party line politics and pretend that their negligence to paying attention to our country is he relevant to the cowardice they show every day by their neglect And acting on this matter. You’re pathetic they are deplorable.

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They’re all lying, they’re all slimeballs, they should all be jailed, they’re all losers, I know it and you know it.

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Nice idea, but as my Dad used to say: “Yeah, that and 15¢ will get you on the subway”

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And Donnie’s calling it the “Deep-State Alum List.”

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To the “Trump Brown-Shirts” this is just PROOF! PROOF I TELL YOU!!! of the existence of the “Deep State” that opposes their Dear Leader and his “crusade” to make the “White House” WHITE again.


I’m sure Mitch McConnell will be delighted to read this petition…then flush it down the shitter!

It’s time to focus the heat on Mitch and the Senate GOP. Maybe this will become a campaign issue every Republican can be forced to take a stand on in their reelection, as the public is clearly bending toward the rule of law and Mueller.

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Ex-DOJ officials? Well, they’re just a bunch of losers who couldn’t hack it in the DOJ anymore. We only care about opinions from the 7 or 8 DOJ officials who will still be there after the purge.

We have a megalomaniac in the WH. He ‘thinks’ he can ‘fire’ the Secretary of State and send his daughter to act as his emissary in Peru because after all she hawks shoes and was an aide on the Apprentice. He ‘thinks’ he can pardon his friends before they are indicted because the media is treating them unkindly. He lies with impunity. I don’t believe he gives a sweet sht about 500 upstanding ex-DOJ officials…he probably thinks they’re chumps.

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Careful. You are channeling Trump-speak way too good.

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I think “Wingnut Profiler” will look great on my resume if there are any jobs left in the country by the end of the year.


Deep Justice! Deep State! They’re in league together! Help! HELP! DEEP STATE!!!

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