Discussion: 5 Points You Need To Know About The New House Republican Budget

Discussion for article #234381

On this altar of fine Italian marble, we, the Republican Congress, sacrifice the American middle class to the gods of Mammon.


ALEC and the Koch brothers are getting their money’s worth out of this sorry bunch. I wonder how long they can continue this charade before the world realizes what a load of crap they are peddling. Sadly, as a wise man once noted, no one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.


This is DOA. They put out a lot of sound bites, collect them into a document, and there you have it. It doesn’t work. Needless to say they are ignorant of the fact that every dollar the government spends is a dollar made by the private sector. Balance the budget and you’ll tank the economy. Debt fetishism can be lethal to some…hopefully fatal to the right


what the GOP wants -

Anybody with a gross income over $500K - you will pay - 0 - tax - and your withholdings will be returned too! - because you already do so much & help the country’s economy in so may ways.

and this will be an amazing incentive to all of the lazy individuals who fall below this threshold - work harder and make more money and you too will be rewarded for your grand contributions to the economy


“My spending is your income and your spending is my income” – Paul Krugman.


Don’t have to read this or the budget document

cut, cut, cut, cut, increase, increase

  1. cut taxes to the 1%

  2. cut school funding

  3. cut the ACA, Medicare, Medicaid

  4. cut any and all support for anyone below the 1%

  5. increase MIC spending

  6. increase spending to any and all projects the DOD wants to cut. We need more tanks to sit rusting away with all the other unwanted tanks in Alabama field as just one example.

It is basically the formula which caused the Brownbackistan Miracle! Don’t you want that too?

We ran that little experiment back before Medicare. A huge percentage of seniors lived in poverty because their medical expenses killed their savings. And a lot died because they couldn’t afford the care they needed. Medical insurance was unaffordable unless they were very well off. If they could get it at all because of pre-existing conditions.

There is no reason to expect it to be any different now.

Tax cuts are not the way to balance a budget. Did these yahoos learn nothing from the Kansas debacle?

  1. no federal revenue at all. Send bonus checks to the richest 1%
  2. Eliminate schools entirely. Arizona has decided that community colleges, formerly state supported, do not need state funding this year. State support for universities stands at 7% down from 45% 40 years ago. (I’m not making this up)
  3. Eliminate ACA, Medicare and medicaid. Let them be run by states. Or not at all.
  4. Send the 1% another bonus check.
    Fixed it for you.

The balanced budget is a figment. Only once in the entire history of the United States have we had zero debt and zero deficit. It was in 1834 when Andy Jackson was the President. In other years we have had a yearly surplus but never the condition of zero national debt and zero annual deficit…except for 1834.

since the 1800’s the conservative economic theory has been ‘If you feed the horse enough oats, some will pass through to the road for the sparrows.’"

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Dynamic scoring is akin to depending on lottery winnings for ones retirement funds. Rep. Price is from a big agriculture and defense state so there is no mention of wasteful farm subsidies and defense cost overruns. The F-35 has a cost overrun of $7.3 billion yet somehow SNAP and ACA are their only concerns.

Here is a sensible idea. Just cap the 2nd or 3rd home mortgage deduction, close the carried interest loophole and keep bending the health cost curve.

Ah, back to the glorious days of Ronald Reagan, sainted be his name.

Increase defense spending, cut taxes and the budget will balance.

The only reason it did not work in the reign of his holiness was he did not increase defense spending enough and did not cut taxes enough.