Discussion: 5 Points On Harry Reid's Daring Plot To Force A Vote On Loretta Lynch

Well that cuts both ways. See 2008 and 2012…

But their blacks are better than our blacks!


“Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) is threatening…”

You know, they say when you lose vision, other senses get heightened.

Az’s voters elected Doug Ducey to the Governor’s chair and immediately Ducey showed his extreme Tea party style. And he’s backed up by the powers that be who control both state chambers. Both state chambers have been in republican hands for 45+ years. When issues are discussed at our state capitol democrats are not invited and rarely are even told where the meetings will be held. I would love to see a political shit in my home state and there were some minor rumblings prior to the last election but zero came of it. So far Ducey is Sam Brownback 2.0

They already look bad

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Except in 2016 the dems won’t be putting up young cool well liked candidate but are going to be stuck with Hilliay, who is neither young nor cool and deffinelty not well liked.

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All good points. Thanks. I think Flake has spoken like a fellow not tied to the hard right, and with a sense of a broader electorate, but you know Arizona much better than I do. I guess I still think that Flake is probably urging McConnell to get rid of this issue, even if he may not be ready for a public break with him. My guess is that the 2014 Arizona electorate was significantly more a Republican than the 2016 presidential electorate will be.

Flake could have independent thoughts but he’s smart enough to be stealthy about revealing them. His base is crackpot central. For your amusement google “Sylvia Allen quotes” Ms Allen comes from the tiny AZ town of Snowflake. She replaced state Sen. Jake Flake (Uncle to Jeff) in our state senate when he (Jake) fell off a horse and was injured and eventually died She is a real piece of work. And she’s been elected on her own. That same base votes for Jeff.

TPM spent months coming up with the worst comment system on the internet, then eventually changed most things about it while retaining half the stupid, like this comment appearing to the right in a slightly different typeface (the one eventually posted) for no reason.

Then they got more gimmicky and started posting more non-issues that sound possibly interesting and turn out to be a nothing.

And raised the level of flogging paid subscriptions.

It used to be one of the best. Now even Ugg has moved on.

Sadly (for the Republicans), they have no one young, cool, and well liked to put up against Hillary:

Republicans in (and out) of the presidential race

Can’t tell the players without a scorecard.


Me thinks it possible the joke is on mitchy.

From the cheap seats it looks like typical GOP stonewalling of anything with the Obummer’s name attached but, its the usual horse-trading for power.

Its win/win for Harry Reid to do this. If he fails (as he almost certainly will), it still gets lots of negational national attention for the GOP. My guess is he’s also trying to squeeze purple/blue state Republican Senators up for election in 18 months. These guys from Illinois, Wisconsin, etc, do NOT want to vote to continue to delay the first black female nominee after 6 months and counting - Reid’s probably banking these Senators will pressure McConnell to get this settled pronto so they don’t have to vote on a Reid motion.


So. If a woman sues her rapist and proves that it is more likely than not that he damaged her and recovers money, she can use that money to pay the costs for her abortion.

But if the government convicts that same rapist beyond a reasonable doubt and collects money on her behalf she cannot use that money to pay for her abortion?

Because a majority of Republican legislators disagree that women who have been raped have a right to an abortion?

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Bingo! The money collected on these girls’ and women’s benefit does not belong to the government nor did the money originate as taxpayer money … so the Republicans are totally wrong on this issue – and, as usual, being holier-than-thou disingenuous.

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