Discussion: 4 Children Among 6 Killed In Houston-Area Shooting

Discussion for article #224869

I would say the “domestic issue” was a violent and abusive man.


Divorce + guns = tragedy.


Everyone should have a gun. It can solve any domestic problem in a permanent and irreversible way.


'merica! FUck YeaH!
Just to get this out of the way–fuck you gun nutters. If you want guns everywhere, get the hell out of our my country. I call it my country, because all you know how do to is abuse it, and you are no longer welcome here. I hear Iraq is nice this time of year.


I don’t know why anyone is upset at this man. While he was using his weapon, no terrorists came to his house to kill him – nor did the country fall to the tyrannical Federal Government.

So the weapon obviously did its job. Freedom!


If the entire family had been armed at all times they could have shot the father and this tragedy could have been averted. More guns are always the answer. I know this because the trolls say so.


Heeeeere Jar Jar Libs….
Here boy!
(~whistles loudly~)
C’mon boy! Jar Jar!



It’ll take him a few minutes. He’s still working with his NRA decoder deal—you know, the two cardboard discs, one with the various types of gun rampages on the edge and the other with a window you read the particular talking point through. It always takes him some time to remember you have to hold one still and move the other, but once he does and reads about how for shoot-your-family daddies he should talk about dealing with mental illness and support for people in crises and on the edge of violence and it wasn’t the gun’s fault he’ll be around. Or not! Even he can’t be everywhere.


How a member of a well-regulated militia takes care of family issues.


If only his kids had guns none of this would have happened


I know how you feel. I’m hearing you loud and clear. I want these scum out of this country and off the planet

Sounds like Mr. Perry should come down off his high hoss and look around him. There seem to be some “bad guys” amongst his “good guys” that could used some of that “government issue mental health support”. Oh wait Ronnie and Bonzo took that out with them. Well Texas you get what you vote for and sadly so did this family, would have insightful health care professionals or even access have helped this man without him being scorned for being less than a man, because we all know that is high on the list of aspirations in Texas.

He had a gun so his cause is and was presumptively righteous.

He used the gun, which comes with the territory of having a gun and therefore a cause that’s etc.

Freedom. Fk Yeah.


NRA needs to teach ‘suicide first’ in their gun safety classes.

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Is that the suspect in the photo accompanying the article?
Looks like he’s donning a FedEx uniform.

Sorry, I don’t agree. If there wasn’t a gun in the house at all, this would never have happened. Putting more guns into the equation just causes more harm and more killings. I’m glad this idiot didn’t get away by taking his own cowardly life, for once. I hope the corrupt Harris County police did a good number on him and I hope he rots in jail, where he will surely want to be dead or will be dead soon enough.

Dear sirs,
I offer this correction:
All six of the kids were “theirs,” even the two adopted ones.

Best regards,
An adoptive parent.


He stood his ground!

“Mee’sa want’sa Open Carry like! What’sa this’a little thingy do?”


“Oopsies! Mee’sa just’a SHOT mee’sa self! POODOO!”