Well mine was an ER affair. Lot of people knew.
And fertility clinics…wouldn’t they become nurseries? They’d have “babies” in their care according to SCOTUS.
Well mine was an ER affair. Lot of people knew.
And fertility clinics…wouldn’t they become nurseries? They’d have “babies” in their care according to SCOTUS.
That’s only a part of the problems that that declaring life begins at conception would create.
This is nothing next to the havoc it would wreak on property and estate law. It’s an impossibly stupid thing to do.
Agreed but maybe the people who loved Hillary so much should have realized her weaknesses as a candidate and nominated somebody who could win in the general.
All the finger pointing after the fact doesn’t do any of us any good.
Well it does about as much good as all your thinking about the kind of SCOTUS justice we should worry about.
Such a candidate was, apparently, not on offer.
A new conservative SCOTUS may in fact overturn Roe v. Wade and it shouldn’t be thought of a side show or reduced to a “hot button issue.” It’s bearing children a woman doesn’t want, getting an unsafe and illegal abortion and risking future health or even dying. Too many women today don’t remember an America when abortion wasn’t legal and women who are old enough to remember carry ths stories with him.
Same sex marriage could also be done away with and remaining parts of ACA as well. Name a law the right doesn’t like, any kind of workplace quality for instance, and they could be gone too. Unfair clearly illegal gerrymandering? It’ll be the new normal.
I’ll have to agree with @arrrrrj and ask you to remember women’s’ needs, concerns, health and show the respect we’ve earned.
Where’d I put that damned 1000X like button?
"But he told reporters Friday that he would not question potential high-court nominees about their views on abortion, saying it was ‘inappropriate to discuss.’”
If that punctured bubo of a president thinks ANYTHING is “inappropriate,” I would like a detailed rundown of what and why. There’s zero chance he came up with that on his own.
We have allowed this never ending social issue to drag America down. People need to solve it for good already. It is long past time for all Americans to recognize that regardless of what some bronze age religions might say, women are people too. Each of them has control over her own body and to the extent some male geezers in robes or standing behind some pulpit pontificating about the issue for personal power the male geezers should be shunned.
Instead of solving the issue we have Roe v. Wade and the never ending struggle between a minority of crazies who think they are on a mission from God and the vast majority who incorrectly think the issue has been decided by the Supreme Court. Overturning Row will force the issue to state legislatures. All 50 of those state legislatures will have no choice but to make choice legal. If they don’t they will be replaced by women who will.
Hell, who knows they might even pass a constitutional amendment.
While I tend to have some sympathy for your basic point about the need to move politics beyond Roe v. Wade, that comment just leaves me LoL.
You offer neat solutions to complex problems and issues including flipping red state legislatures (though Obama and Holder are working on that with their project, it can be Googled) and women eventually becoming governor in 50 states. Some of this must in jest. But I agree with you to the extent that we women want to remain in control of our bodies and don’t want patriarchies in or out of government dictating the terms. There’s nothing like having had to leave the the United States to have a safe abortion pre Roe v Wade to harden one’s resolve.
SMH is what I’m left with.
On SO MANY counts…
Here I’ll fix it for you: 3 more shame-less opportunists meet with Trump.
@littlegirlblue and @qwerty23 you are laughing out loud and shaking your head only because you haven’t really considered the absurdity of our current situation. Heavy lifts used to be what we did in America then somebody invented culture wars and America stopped making progress. I am telling you that the world without abortion as a burning issue would be so much better than the status quo. Imagine leaving America a better place for your granddaughters and grandsons. Quit depending on some court ruling that can be changed at any time.
Some of this must in jest?
I am 70 years old, Roe has been part of my life for most of those years. It has dogged America for my entire career. We should move on already.
It’s clear to me at least we’ve reached the point where we’re talking past each other.
We are.
The fragile court ruling is the only thing keeping abortion legal in 20 or more states. Your notion that their outlawing would lead to a popular uprising causing it to be legalized is fanciful or fantastic (“imaginative or fanciful; remote from reality”). But believe it if it makes you happy.
If you are going to insult me as being delusional, I am going to take the opportunity to tell you that thinking like yours has kept American progress in check for the last 40 years. The monetizing of social issues like abortion by codependent groups headquartered in Washington has done a lot to put food on the table of activists in both parties, but playing to keep issues alive hasn’t done anybody else any good.
Get your head out of the past and start imagining a future were we actually solve problems.