Discussion: 3 Dead, 7 Wounded After Gunmen In New Orleans Fire On Crowd

So I guess we all wait with bated breath on the question of the religious/ethnic identity of the shooters. If they’re Muslim/brown, it becomes a huge story of terror amplified by the president. If they’re white, like almost all of these mass shooters, the story disappears in a cloud of sympathetic investigations into their unfortunate childhoods.


No, we will all wait for thoughts and prayers if they are white. Then we will move on.

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Just a guess, but this comment

“They never stop killing each other,” he said, shaking his head as he spoke.

suggests that the perpetrators and the victims were both black and that Mr. Russo is white.

In any case, this doesn’t sound like your typical mass shooting. Much more focused.


Given the neighborhood, it’s pretty likely both the shooters and victims were black. New Orleans is a treasure of a city, but with existential problems: lack of opportunity, incessant violence and climate change.


That sounded to me like “they” were gang related. They (“gangs”) never stop killing each other. I don’t expect we’ll hear anything about this from the Dotard. If we do, it will only be to strengthen his claim that brown people are universal problems. Sans rational thought or fact, of course. He’ll just use it to strengthen his support from his base.


Looks like we’ve pretty well covered our bases. Any additional comments will be superfluous.


thanks. didn’t read the piece carefully enough. I’m guilty of the thoughtless response I’m complaining about!

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“They never stop killing each other.”

Who is they? White men in gambling casinos, movie theaters, and churches? White teenagers in schools?

Are those the “they” you mean?

Ignorant moron.

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What do we need here?

A wall?

A tax cut?

Looser gun laws?

Prayers in school and after innocents have already been shot?

Severe traumatization of immigrant children and families?

Appointment of Federal judges who devalue the rights of women, minorities, and biological persons?

Appointment of Federal judges who want to elevate evangelical Christian bigotry to a Constitutional right that outranks basic civil rights?

More disdain for knowledge and expertise and the practice of science?

A cruder version of foreign relations?


I live in New Orleans and ride by this place on my commute to work. I don’t get why this story’s drawing national attention. (I wasn’t there, but per local news reports it sounds like this happened in front of the “Chicken and Watermelon” shop across the street from the strip mall.)

It’s sad, of course. But this kind of stuff happens here all the time. The alleged fact that ICE’s making immigrant children drink toilet water should be getting at least as much attention.

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Really, these comments are superfluous.

Actually, all that the article said was that Lawrence Russo heard the gunshots while in a nearby drugstore. If he did see the shooters and his statement based on being a visual witness, this article do not say so. In fact, the article goes to great length not to speculate on anything about the shooters beyond reporting the fact that they were ‘wearing hoodies’.

Are the guns okay? Thoughts and prayers to the NRA lackeys in Congress.

Mass shootings ,for whatever reason,continue to be so frequent they hardly garner attention anymore…another one in TX today…the gun thing is so obviously blood money in search of abstract rationalization…


No one has offered “thoughts and prayers” for the victims and the poor disturbed shooters?

But, but… the talk radio told me that gun massacres only happen in gun-free zones! This kind of attack is so common that it barely makes the news anymore, all enabled by America’s unholy brew of irresponsible gun culture and toxic masculinity.

There are many people in NO suffering a pain like no other tonight - someone you love being wrenched out of your life in a moment of common casual violence. What in the world are we becoming? The logical endpoints all look like dystopian nightmares.

I can promise you one thing: If Dotard wants to offer a solution, he will select the worst one possible. It’s what he does best, next to lying.


The futility displayed by those who live life without any hope, opportunity or joy has been evident for decades in inner cities and rural areas around this nation. But Republicans will not lift a finger to help them. They do quite the opposite every chance they get.

Jesus didn’t buy into any Prosperity Gospel and neither should people who say they follow Him. They need to vote their faith not some sick philosophy that creates situations like this. We have to clean house in Washington before the white supremacists destroy our democracy and the rule of law. Republicans do not care what happens as long as they are “winning.”

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