Discussion: 3 Charities Have Cancelled Fundraisers At Mar-A-Lago In Wake Of Charlottesville

Palm Beach is a Mecca for charity events. You can’t walk down the side walk without running into a billionaire. Those charity events were the reason Mar A Lago was reasonably successful. This hits Trump where he lives.


Correct. Time for the Emolument “Syndicate” to gear up their Protection Racket shakedown of the foreign governments. That’ll fill those empty meeting rooms.


Now Trump is free to lease out his facilities at Mar-A-Lago to his puny white nationalists, kkk and nazi fascists! It would be more fitting for those deranged privileged idiots to trounce around chanting their rants with their tiny tiki torches!


White supremacists are running out of places to meet…

When the invisible hand of the marketplace closes one door, it opens another. It’s not always a great door, but it is a door. And don’t let it hit your ass on the way out Mr. Trump.


C’mon, extreme water level, flush out Mar-e-Coli…


I say, Johnny Two-Teeth, try the hors d’oeuvres, they are FABULOUS!


Then the American Cancer Society announced Thursday afternoon that it
would no longer hold its annual fundraiser at Mar-a-Lago in February.

But they were fine with Trump until this very moment.


Have I missed them? Are there no tweets today?

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Patience, grasshopper. Hilarity will ensue…


Are they at Camp David today?

The bigger picture is what Jared commented on before the election. He was concerned Big Donny was hurting the ‘family’ (mob) business.

Hey, it is! HaHaHa.

One more reason why this mob family may shrink back to their hole in NYC.




Is anyone surprised that Norman Lear would boycott this shindig? Not me. People for the American Way and the creator of All in the Family among other great comedies, has chosen to skip this affair.


Now that there are openings on Mar- A-Lago’s calendar, perhaps David Duke, Richie Spencer and Jason Kessler can hold some alt-right " Unite The Right " happy hours gatherings at Mar-A-Lago. It will give them a chance to rub elbows with the Apprentice and the Apprentice’s wife in a relaxed atmosphere.


Javanka will return to NYC to try to pick up the pieces of their lives and try to “reinvent” themselves.

Rump, however, will stay down south (in FL or elsewhere) where the remnants of his adoring base are.

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suddenly that enrichment scheme is causing Trump to run a deficit

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Pretty amazing how much these so called charities wine and dine themselves behind the cloak of raising funds for so called needy causes. The White Privileged class in the US needs a big wake up call. There is nothing charitable about wining an dining at Mar-a-Lago.

America has a very warped definition of charity: Like Koch Brother billionaires donating to the NY Met Opera House and calling that charity and deducting it from their taxes. Opera Houses for the Oligarchy is NOT charity…in any Bible edition. The Koch’s and their kind will also thump the bible…which is total BS. All these right wingers like the Koch’s (Austria) and the Trump’s (Germany) get booted out of their native countries and find welcoming arms in the US - because they come with bags of money and immoral character.

This country better wake up…white privilege did not build this country, they do not fight for this country, and they do not deserve to rule.

Start by properly defining CHARITY…and stop wasting charitable funds on such opulence as dining at Mar-a-Lago. Mentioning Mar-a-Lago in sentence with charity is despicable.

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He’s shifted the tweets to national security. Needs to deflect the news away from Russia and race.

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my thinking exactly - A-OK with money laundering, not paying workers, denigrating women and asking Russia to hack his political rival - but now we think it might not look good to give him a profitable business transaction.


…uh, if i may - everyone benefits from the arts - the wife made minimum wage her whole life and likes opera - don’t indulge in the same anti-intellectual stereotypes they do


Didn’t they realize that they were probably grossly overpaying to use this site?

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