Discussion: 3 Bills That Are Even More Doomed After Eric Cantor's Defeat

Discussion for article #223993

“Even more doomed”

So, what, we’ve moved from dead to overkill?


The real problem is for the business types. Cantor gave lip-service to the rubes than carried out a corporate agenda. Now they get a genuine rube and the GOP is afraid to do what their financiers sent them to Washington for. Case in point I was just at a conference where Meg Whitman was asked what see needed from DC she said more N1H1 visas. Too bad!


Don’t be stupid Sahil…this House wasn’t going to pass anything in an election year other than pledge check-boxes that nobody will even carry over to the senate, let alone be voted on.

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I’ve come to the conclusion that Kapur has a fairly steep quota. It’s got to be why he pumps out so much junk.

These three pieces of proposed legislation will doom the Republican Party either way.
If they pass them the base is pissed off.
If they don’t pass them the African American, Hispanic and those in need of healthcare will see to the total demise of the GOP.

You really boxed yourself in this time.


That’s why they’re working so hard to get the “Only Crackers Vote in 2014 Act” passed.


This is a fairly typical Sahil analysis. Make the assumption and then write about it, damn all the problems with the base assumption. Notice that he runs out the already dead meme that immigration reform is what cost Cantor his seat…because 78% of the voters weren’t against it. Typical Sahil to state it as 22% were against IR. That’s a pretty standard practice for Sahil.

Not a single one of these “initiatives” was ever going to be addressed by the House. Nor would I call one public comment hard work towards fixing the VRA. These were all dead in the House, not only this year but next as well, with Cantor as the Majority Leader.

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2 birds with one defeat

  1. getting rid of eric (bet Boehner’s relieved)
  2. furthering the TeaPub do-nothing agenda.

Cantor was – at least proclaimed to be – committed to bridging deep divides

Let that sink in…OK now laugh your ass off.