If it was a fertile egg, the rooster came first and fell asleep. Chickens don’t have vibrators, so the egg came next.
Scattered, smothered, and sickened.
We have 13 ladies laying for us and they all think I’m their daddy!
They cross the road to eat at the VFW although they might be crossing that road looking for a rooster
Havnt bought store eggs in a while
yep ! — ( sis’s yard …
I would really like to see the conditions the hens that laid those eggs lived under. 200 million eggs! I love the distributor’s name: Rose Acre Farms. Sounds like those hens lived in a lovely meadows surrounded by rose bushes. That is the reason I like to buy, and can buy, local.
Hey! I love waffle house! We don’t have them here on the Left Coast, at least not in Oregon. On those rare occasions we go back east to visit family one of my first stops is a Waffle House for breakfast with GRITS! My husband can’t fathom my love for grits.
Dont have them in the north either.
No doubt Trump doesn’t think this is a problem.
What an eggcellent observation, maximus!
So you deem Ohio and Pennsylvania to be Midwestern? Bethlehem ain’t all that far from NYC.
Well I get eggs from Food Lion and and usually buy their store brand but I , nor anyone in the family got sick. So is it mainly an issue if you don’t cook the eggs well or wash your hands after handling?
I’m in vermont. New york is, well, next step to mid-atlantic.