Discussion: 2 Officers Shot At Protest Outside Ferguson Police Department

Golly, maybe some gun control would be in order, so that random violent people can’t show up at a demonstration and shoot people?


-“The NRA protects us from an overreaching gubmint and ensures our freedumbs!”

(offer not valid in black communities.)


So they agree( most likely believed but could prove) that Officer Wilson didn’t engage in any civil rights violation but then they produce a report claiming that the Ferguson Police department and others are racists in their over all activities and this incident was just waiting to happen because of that systematic racism, yet you think that had nothing to do with it? If that is the case you willfully ignorant.

People who would shoot at police, don’t have any problem violating gun laws, so it wouldn’t actually stop anything.

Worked out fine in New York City.

And from the data on the ground would save the black communities around Ferguson a great deal of hassle and money.


Actions speak louder than words.


Just another example of how the people of Ferguson need to VOTE to truly fix the institutional imbalances in their fair city.

Shooting cops won’t fix anything…the establishment will just send more in, with bigger guns and itchier trigger fingers.

Vote them all out and seize control of your lives.


Guess who knew about the Ferguson’s police departments racist activities first?


What is your opinion of the validity of that report?

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How has it worked in Chicago, Washington DC, Baltimore, Detroit, etc… so your suggestion is we should change the gun laws in places like Vermont because thugs in places like Ferguson wouldn’t have a gun to shoot police? The only thing that will happen is law abiding citizens of Vermont won’t have guns but the thugs in Ferguson still would.

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If a wide disparity in treatment exists that can’t be accounted for by genuine differences, e.g., blacks actually do do X more often, then you don’t need to look into someone’s heart. The disparate treatment is wrong and racist because it falls, arbitrarily, along race-based lines.

If the officers and city were willing to correct the disparate treatment, it wouldn’t matter whether they were racist in “their hearts.” It’s hard enough for someone to control what’s in his own heart; impossible to control what’s in someone else’s heart. Segregationists would tell you that they didn’t “hate the Negro.” It’s just that everyone should stay in his own lane. Problems arise only when one group tries to move into other peoples’ lane.

Similarly, can we know that Parker Rice hates black people in his heart? Just because he was singing a drinking song? Was he really advocating lynching? Did the song lead to anyone being lynched? Or was he just swept up in the moment?

The thing we can know are peoples’ actions and words. Except to the person, and except insofar as his heart rules his actions, it doesn’t matter what’s in his heart.


That I am not shocked that in a city that is overwhelming black that the vast majority of police interactions would be with black people. Why does that shock you?

To justamarine,

Race baiters are responsible for the situation in Ferguson? How simplistic and convenient. You find nothing wrong with a government singling out a group of people to be terrorized and penalized and used as a revenue stream? Explain to me why it’s OK for white separatists to train guns on law enforcement at Cliven Bundy’s ranch. Those white guys were ready to shoot FBI and ATF agents while white America cheered. Why is government intrusion not OK when white people want to protect their property and their guns, but government intrusion is OK when the government arrests, fines, and incarcerates black people outside the law? The tax-cut, small government tea party should have showed up en masse in Ferguson once they learned that the black citizens were being unconstitutionally “taxed.” But this is really about preserving the white power structure, not ensuring that ALL Americans are not mistreated by the government. Keep in mind that the young black people in Ferguson didn’t grow up under “We Shall Overcome”; they’ve grown up in post-Jim Crow America. They actually believe that the Constitution applies to them. No questions asked. So those same views you have about government overreach are no different from theirs.


Nicely done.


The form of this argument is this: X shouldn’t be against the law because even if it is, people will break the law, as they always do. Criminals being defined as “people who break the law.”

By this standard, murder shouldn’t be against the law because, guess what?, criminals still murder as if the law didn’t exist and it’s only the law-abiding who don’t murder. So we’re tying the hands of law-abiding citizens who don’t do bad things in the first place and we’re doing nothing to stop the bad guys who still act with impunity as if the law didn’t exist.


And the behavior of the police towards those black people documented in the report? Why doesn’t that bother you?


Folks, I don’t see much point in discussing things with justamarine. Some of us once had hopes for him, but these days he’s just reading off the same list of illogical, evidence-free talking points as every other mindless bot listener to the right-wing noise machine. It’s just the same tired stuff over and over. You’re more likely to get a reasoned, nuanced response from a Magic 8-Ball. Sorry to have to tell you this, Justy, but it’s true. Over and out.


Race baiters are the reason why race relations are at the lowest level in decades. At it has to do with comments like yours. The problem with the black community isn’t white conservative racist, it is white/black liberals who would rather just blame “the man” for the problems of that community instead of their own policies that have kept and will continue to keep the black community as wards of the State.

Furthermore, these areas where the majority of blacks live and are being “terrorized” by the state are under the control and have so for 50 years of White/Black liberals.

Boo-rah! Must be post-traumatic stress disorder, right, Marine?

Guess what, race baiter? They’ll be doing just that, with police officers who don’t treat them like animals they way you’d have it. Maybe you can start up a crowd funding site for the bigots they fire, or sell T shirts like the DA did for Michael Brown’s murderer.

The sure sign of a racist is claiming everyone else is the racist for pointing out their racism. Just like the Klan, and just like far too many the Republican Party.


This is a disastrous and terrible event. Most importantly, since no one knows who the shooter is, determining their motives and their connection with other events in the area is very problematic and questionable.