Discussion: 2 Frat Members Who Led Racist Chant Expelled From University Of Oklahoma

Discussion for article #234148

Oh god, now two martyrs to the cause of freedom. /sarcasm

I wish they weren’t expelled, though I wouldn’t mind seeing them be shamed by their classmates.

ETA: Personally I’m glad they were expelled and know they would lose their jobs over the same. I just hate to see the narrative changed to these guys as victims B.S. and I fear that is how the story will change, not about the rather shocking racism exhibited.

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I’m sure these two fine, upstanding, young crackers will be able to pick up their studies and, ahem, unsanctioned extracurriculars, at some other august academic facility. Bob Jones U or the like, I’m sure are hungry for minds like these…


Change it to a chant about burning Jews and see how you feel. Free speech is a right. Racist free speech at university isn’t.


“I hope that students involved in this incident will learn from this experience and realize that it is wrong to use words to hurt, threaten, and exclude other people,”

A teachable moment for many, and not just those ‘involved in this incident’. One would hope.


Man oh man! I’d sure hate to be the parents of these twerps! Imagine investing short of $100,000 in your kids education only to see it all be pissed away three months short of graduation simply for flying your true flag?

SO! Parker is only a freshman! Good that this happened early in his college days…at least daddy didn’t lose four years worth of schooling. And I’m sure that the kid already had a job awaiting him.

And I’m sure that the kid already had a job awaiting him.

Pledge classes of Sigma Alpha Epsilon at OU have traditionally been loaded with legacy kids. Where will these poor entitled widdle boys go now?


Outraged parent screed on Faux not-News in 3…2…1
They’re just boys!


While I too believe that expulsion is pretty extreme it’s probably a good thing for them to be removed from campus for their own safety. When Oklahoma’s football team is losing valuable recruits and you are the cause of it then your life is in danger.

Sadly I am speaking the truth when I write this.


There still is free speech at U OK. There is not and never has been consequence-free speech. Here they spoke up, and have now learned that some things that can be spoken freely should not be.


They should have been expelled and there is plenty of space to shame them…demonstrations, letters to the school newspaper both of which are not dependent on those idiots being on campus.


Better Sooner than later, eh?

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The ‘richeously’ indignant will get David Boren fired

and their preciousssssssssss little boys reinstated…

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Why is nobody reporting the names of the students? They are legally adults.


Not to mention that this is Obama’s fault because he’s so “divisive.”


Here, a University of Oklahoma administrator processes an expelled student…

Well, that’s how it should be handled…

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I would hate that, too.

Oh get a life! Pitying the bigoted, race-whooping fucks! Whew!

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FOX correspondents in three, two, one…

I wonder how SAE is going to handle the fraternity membership of the participants?

For now they are all suspended. No doubt that the two who were expelled will have their pins and affiliations yanked.

After that each member’s behavior will be examined.

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