registering to vote or casting ballots illegally because they weren’t U.S. citizens
Not swift.
If true.
Gosh. Sure is interesting that the investigation took just long enough that they could be tried right before the midterms.
I feel sorry for all of them, because I doubt they knew what they were doing.
OMG! There’s millions of them.
NINETEEN??? OMIGOD!!! I wonder how much it cost per person to find these nineteen??? Honest to God.
If this horrible trend continues, there could be almost 21 non-US Citizens voting in 2018, and maybe 23 in 2020.
What about the children? Is anyone thinking about the children?
Gee wow a whole 19 people. Really? O my hair is on fire we have to do something about this!
If all of these illegals voted, then the results of the election clearly can’t be trusted. We must immediately overturn the results of the 2016 election and have a special “do over” election.
Isn’t that the logical response?
Anchor voters! Chain voters! Where will it stop?
Especially since they probably voted for Hillary.
Only 2,999,981 to go, Donnie!
19 down… 2,868,667 to go right Don?
When we mock the small numbers of these illegal voters, aren’t we forgetting that they could have voted thousands of times each, traveling from state to state on buses funded by Soros and Clinton?
I SAW A BUS on election day! OMG.
Great minds, @lestatdelc. Great minds!
If the DOJ wasn’t full of angry Democrats attempting a coup, they would have ben at your door the day after the election to interview you and catch the Hillary who was behind the scheme.
I’m pretty sure the driver looked a lot like Bobby Three Sticks. Just sayin’.
Did it look like this?
BTW, take note of the fact that the article says nothing about these people being in the U.S. illegally, or without documentation. My guess is that they were all legal residents, but just not full citizens yet. They probably thought that since they were perfectly legitimate residents, that meant they could vote.
why, that’s almost as many russians who have been indicted for election interference in 2016, so far