Discussion: 17-Year-Old Student Tops Sitting W.Va. Lawmaker

Discussion for article #222782

Sad to see that Conservative Brain Rot has penetrated so far into America’s Redstate youth.

Hopefully, this will present an opportunity for the Dem Candidate…


Wow, GOP. That’s amazing. Your world view is so vile and jaded you are looking to children as leaders. But then, why are we surprised? You raise your children to spout the same claptrap as you do. Y’all are surely proud.


I’m actually pretty impressed. Sure, she’s wrongheaded on a lot of (most) things and certainly has a leg up with her family being in politics, but still. I never would have considered something like this at 17. Hard to be mad at that kind of drive and ambition. The voters on the other hand…


I can’t help but think that the GOP has an advantage in messaging when then can claim they are “pro-life, pro-family, pro-gun rights and pro-business.” Clearly Ms. Blair has been influenced.

Nevermind that by pro-life they mean anti-choice, pro-family they mean anti-gay, pro-gun, they mean pro-lynching, and pro-business they mean anti-labor. It feels good to say you are for life, guns, and capitalism.


“People saw that you don’t need to wait until you are 40, 50 or 60 to realize our conservative principles are beneficial to everyone,”

The stupid starts early in West Virginia.


Despite her political leanings, still nice to see someone so energized at that age. Besides, in the long run, she will inspire more of her age group to take an interest in politics and that can only be good for the Democrats.


In this case the utter stupidity of her worldview can be attributed to her young age and coddled upbringing. Her view of finance might change a bit when she moves out of mom and dad’s house though.


She’s right you know. Even 17 year olds can ignore history and proudly defend a failing political position.


Her view of finance is going to change once her campaign treasurer starts funnelling her money elsewhere. Probably about the time she loses her re-election bid in two years.

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Great kid, working for the wrong side.


Let’s hope she becomes enlightened, when she gets treated like a second-class citizen by her own party.


“People saw that you don’t need to wait until you are 40, 50 or 60 to realize our conservative principles are beneficial to everyone,”

No, but holding such beliefs is fairly normal for a young ideologue who really hasn’t a clue as to how the world actually works. Maybe someday she’ll mature into a caring liberal.

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You don’t really believe that if someone supports the right of another to own a gun, they support lynching people? There is no way you really believe that. How can you be pro-labor and not be pro-business? They kind of go together.

Conservative ideas require so little thinking that even a high school kid can run with them.


That’s funny because conservatives say the exact same about young naive liberals. You notice how the extremes think the exact same as each other, just from a different viewpoint.

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I don’t really mind this, W. VA is a red state they have always had a very conservative socio-economic structure that keeps the people dumb, down, and desperate, they seem to enjoy that, and whatever damage she could cause would be limited to that state. So there really is no reason for liberals to get upset or annoyed over this.

We can’t get every state to side with us we just need to marginalize these regressives enough to backwater bastions like W. VA or Mississippi, etc, so they don’t get in the way of national policy or even policy in the more populous states.

Yes, but the liberal can actually point to accomplishments under Democratic administrations vs. Republican, say in the jobs numbers, or health care, just to name a few. What has the Right created? Little to nothing, especially now, when their goal is that Obama have a failed presidency.


They are getting to Khmer Rouge territory.

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There is something about that snake worship business…

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Notice you inserted the word “naive” into the debate thus implying that anyone who doesn’t hold the status quo position is laughable. Nice. No actually…pathetic.

It’s not extreme to make the characterization that JWR made. It’s apt. She’s a monied elite that has no conceivable way of relating to anyone with a different and less privileged world view. Young liberals know better. Thanks for trying to lecture us all on how the world works.