Cassidy is standing by his daughter in public but I’m willing to bet in private it is a completely different matter.
I 'm sure he was none too happy but that isn’t really the point. It’s her business and none of ours. She has enough problems w/o getting publicly called the town slut. Teens have sex and some get pregnant. Fewer w/o backwards views like her father’s but sensationalizing a young girl’s pregnancy is wrong .
Hear, hear!
“but sensationalizing a young girl’s pregnancy is wrong .”
Just to be clear, this was at a press conference he called to announce the news.
She is obeying Gawd’s command, to produce lots of little Christians! And besides, now she has to marry the dude anyway and they can have a Traditional Republichrist Family!
**IOKIYAR. **Puh-RAISE JEE-zuz-ah!
Any evidence for that?
We share the same biology
Regardless of ideology
Believe me when I say to you
I hope the Republicans love their children too
I agree with the first part of that; but I think the poster in question was using that term to reflect how Republicans normally describe women who have sex outside marriage. I don’t think he was actually calling her a slut himself, and do not believe he is a misogynist. But it was bad form and came across as unconscionably cruel to a young girl in a very difficult situation who doesn’t deserve to have her situation paraded in the media.
Teen pregnancy in inner city: “Evidence of lack of morals”
Teen pregnancy in suburbs: “A blessing from GAAAAW-UD”
Your concern has been noted. Rest assured, our Ethics team is working on the issue. Your concern regarding Liberal snark (while of course Conservatives are always perfectly civil and respectful of others) is important to us.
Should you have any additional concerns, please call our Concern Hotline at 1-800-IM-TROLL.
Oh, it will be “family” values. The poor bloke that forgot his condom just bought the “cow” and more milk than he’s gonna want.
OK, I don’t see any hypocrisy here, except on the part of TPM and most commenters.
There’s not the slightest evidence that Cassidy’s support is anything but real. He didn’t say “no abortion for your daughters but mine can have one”. He’s giving his daughter “unconditional love and support”. What more can you ask?
And shame on the commenter who called the daughter “the town slut”. Just imagine the reaction if some redneck used the same term to describe one of Obama’s daughters. There would be justifiable outrage.
Really, why is this even news?
In the Palin tradition, adjusting for location, the baby will be named “Sugar Cane Lagniappe”
Seventeen and preggers? In Louisiana that’s called being a
“late bloomer.”
I hope she gets all the family and community support that she needs.
I is touched by your concern! I SEE THE LIGHT! Libs are just a bunch of hypocrites. I have to become a Republican immediately, because when Gawd is on your side and you are under His saving Grace, you can, literally, do ANYTHING while condemning Libs for that same thing!
Sounds like a deal. Where do I collect my Bible and guns?
Why? I’ve seen nothing to indicate that he isn’t sincere in standing by his daughter. Just because his ideology is not what I’d like, I don’t need to think he’s so crass with his own offspring that he was unable to mutter something akin to “oh, sh*t” to himself while embracing her and saying the family will welcome her child. It’s what parents do.
That doesn’t mean I don’t wish he had the same level of understanding when it comes to the predicaments of other girls and women – I do. Perhaps this will open his eyes about that issue, perhaps not. But he can love and want to care for his kid and still be someone I don’t like politically.
I’m happy that (so far) no one is parading this girl’s image onto the Internet or TV. Can’t say the same for Saint Sarah, who turned her daughter’s misfortune into a campaign slogan.
gop: keeping the women-folk barefoot and pregnant since the 50s
“She has our unconditional love and support.”
I guess the father must be white?
I think women look very nice barefoot, but they should get to choose…regarding both.