Discussion: 150 Years After Its Founding, KKK Says US Politics Are Going Its Way

Good Article on places to avoid on your vacation trips this summer.

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The current Klan members must not remember that the Southern Poverty Law Center sued them for millions and were subsequently bankrupted.

In 1987, SPLC won a case against the United Klans of America for the lynching of Michael Donald, a black teenager in Mobile, Alabama. The SPLC used an unprecedented legal strategy of holding an organization responsible for the crimes of individual members to help produce a $7 million judgment for the victim’s mother. The verdict forced United Klans of America into bankruptcy. Its national headquarters was sold for approximately $52,000 to help satisfy the judgment. In 1987, five members of a Klan offshoot, the White Patriot Party, were indicted for stealing military weaponry and plotting to kill Morris Dees.


Zeig heil, y’all.


Can you imagine if Lauren Fox wrote this article? Would the KKK be the ‘Heroes of Reconstruction’?

And remember, what Tyler the racist parrot says, kids:

In the short term the damage will be significant, if only for the fact that it “could” happen here will undermine trust with our foreign allies. I do believe (and hope) that in the long run this will serve to help us. We have now seen the enemy, clear and craven. Thanks to Trump the fact that Republicans are on the wrong side of history is being brought home to those who never bother to engage. I believe the tide has turned in progressives favor.

Neither could Hitler.

Funny membership requirements.

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Or at least some media moguls. That’s what Moonves meant, of course.

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Can’t you guys be syrias, just for even a moment?


“Sunlight is the best disinfectant” may not be true medically, but it sure is, socially. If Trump’s candidacy serves to remind the general populace of threats like this, and highlights the Republicans’ weakness, and their spineless, unprincipled kowtowing to the gods of political expediency… then I say “Thank you, Andy Kaufman, for sacrificing so much in being Donald Trump for all these years.”.

Yep, a light buttercup will hide their stains nicely!

True story: Trump’s old man refused to rent to African Americans and it so pissed off Woody Guthrie he wrote a song about it and immortalized The Donny’s dad as the racist POS he was:

Personally, I think the whole damned Trump campaign should be listed as a hate group.

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Donald certainly understands this appeal and in order to consolidate his white base, he will unveil a new ‘look’ in Cleveland.


Chicago’s South Side should invite them to have a rally in their neighborhood.

No, has to be rainbow colored.

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Is there a log cabin chapter?

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Yes, the proud counterpart to Mideastern extremists. Let’s round up all the nuts and ship 'em all to outerspace together forever.