Discussion: 11.4 Million People Signed Up For Obamacare In 2015

Notice it said federal exchange too. There are 12-13 states that have their own exchange.

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I think the total number of people covered by Obamacare is 32 million, at least according to acaSignups, which does some very impressive tracking. That includes the federal exchange, some private signups, the state exchanges, and Medicaid expansion. Interesting that the number is almost exactly 10% of the total population, and a very big chunk of the uninsured. No death panels yet. Though Republicans will never learn. They are still running against Social Security.


Private signups (off-exchange) are important to consider too, though of course they’re much harder to track. Prior to the law there were a lot of people who could afford a normal health insurance premium (and wouldn’t qualify for subsidies), but for whom the insurance companies would jack up the price beyond what one could pay due to pre-existing conditions, if you could get it at all. And on top of that it usually wouldn’t cover exactly the things you needed it to, which made it essentially a very expensive catastrophic care package.

I know because I’m one, and having had one period where I came close to not having a job for a few months (even though I had plenty of money) I discovered it would be disastrous to ever lose health insurance again. It’s a huge relief to know that I can actually pay for it myself if that happens again.


Don’t worry, I’ve heard from other very knowledgeable trolls (or possibly the same ones) that the numbers are all fake.


Yep; next they’ll say the numbers are fake, then they’ll claim that it was because of anything other than Obamacare.
Then they’ll claim that it was their idea. Which is actually true.


Wonder what their political persuasions are? That would be a fun fact.
If this were a typical new business, it would operate in the red for 3 or more years and that would be considered normal. This new losing business would be written off against taxes and the system would suffer.
Obamacare is a rapidly growing success in half the time and the profits are multi faceted.

Obamacare is market based and the market has spoken and flipped an invisible finger towards the hateful right.


what do you know, a plan worked. Actually, most of what Prez has done and / or wants to do is well thought out
and good for a majority of america. Unfortunately, the GOP has and is, focused 100% on WINNING, at any cost (past six years).

As long as the puritanical, head in the sand, uneducated, irrational, hypocritical, freedom of religion as long as it’s same as mine, basic rights, freedom and equality to all (who agree with our 1950’s christian interpretation of moral values that we believe in this week). have the loudest voice in the room, these folks are going to control the conversation, or at least control the topic.

The mid-terms?, who made those decisions, they deserved to lose, Horrible to run from your parties President, instant credibility to the opponent.

Win at all costs, dem’s election disaster, win at all costs.

How could any US Citizen who grew up in the United States be surprised when the Little League World Series Baseball team, drew new boundaries. Win at all costs. The message is clear at a young age. WIN or nothing.

BAM!!! nuff said.

Just waiting for the KKK to have a ‘Call to Arms’ pronouncement to protest this.

The article said, “11.4 million people signed up or re-enrolled” which I took to mean the figures include new enrollees as well as those who signed up last year and re-enrolled.

I don’t believe that at all. 2016 isn’t 2014 where a bunch of Democrats running in ruby red, predominantly Southern states had to defend seats they probably had no business winning in the first place. Of the ten Democrats running in 2016, all except for Bennet in CO, are running in bright blue states where the president’s skin color isn’t the determining factor for all their political decisions.

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An editor at the WSJ, Stephens, did just that while criticizing the president’s Obamacare video.

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One wonders how much, if any, the potential elimination of healthcare benefits 18 million people might impact the decisions of justices Kennedy and Roberts. Breyer, RGB, Sotamayor, and Kagan will support the ACA; Alito, Scalia, and Thomas will oppose it. Those two men must decide if politics overrides pragmatism.

I still can’t fathom why the administration hasn’t gone out and sold that number. It’s a stunning accomplishment that they really ought to be shouting to the mountaintops, to the moon.

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It is a great accomplishment, not just for the administration but more importantly for the millions of people being helped by the ACA. Where is the public? why are they not shouting from the rooftops? why are they not celebrating?. For the first time many Americans can now experience a life free from worry about insurance. They are the ones to sell the ACA, not the administration.


But i guess in a couple of years when the number of new enrollees
begins to level off, the Repubs will point to that as proof that people
don’t want anything to do with Obamacare.

A Yogi Berra-ism applies here, wherein the Yog gives advice about a restaurant:

Nobody goes there anymore – it’s too crowded

The problem is that no one’s asking them. No one’s asking the happy customers if they’re happy, and the general public lacks the kind of megaphone the administration has.

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Obama to GOP/Teatrolls: Please proceed to gobbling my “selfie-stick,” fuckers.

Of course, it will take all of a day, maybe less, for Faux and the RWNJs to start howling that Obama is lying and inflating the numbers in an attempt to put more pressure on the SCOTUS vis-a-vis the potential fallout of an adverse King v. Burwell ruling. Just watch…