Discussion: 100 Days From The Elections, Dems Hold Upper Hand In Fight For House Control

I remember when there was no way Hillary Clinton could possibly lose. Trumplove is even more toxic now than it was then. I fear complacent voters and, even more, voters who still support Trump but are smart enough to keep it to themselves. The wave is not inevitable. Every vote is important.


And the Senate should absolutely be in play, because they are just as bad as the House, if not worse in certain ways.


Raise my wages, issue single payer healthcare, develop a long term maintenance plan to maintain our infrastructure, improve our public schools, sensible gun laws, eradicate all Jim Crow laws, improve our electoral system and eliminate the electoral college to start!

In other words get fucking busy!!!


There was also no way that anyone could conceive a foreign country would sabotage an American election, with the connivance of her opponent and Its entire party as well.

It is inevitable that it will turn out votes were changed in 2016. At which point, it ain’t about complacency, but the failure of secretaries of state to protect elections. I don’t see any pressure mounting on any of those sonsofbitches, who might be very content to let more Russian sabotage occur.


(I don’t mean to pick on you specifically!)

Even this language makes me queasy. The idea that a person should only vote if their vote is “needed”. A democracy needs every vote. It is predicated on the idea that everyone will vote. Go fucking vote!

Count me in the broken-glass camp, in 2018… and 2016… and 2014, 2012, 2010, 2008, 2006…


The real elephant in the room is wearing one of those adorable little ushanka hats, suitable for long Russian winters (at least, until global climate change puts an end to all that, too).

The Republicans are not only counting on Russian interference to save them again in 2018, as it did in 2016 (it wasn’t just the presidency at stake two years ago, but the Senate majority, hence control of the federal bench).

They are doing everything they can and everything they have to to facilitate that interference, to grease the skids, to distract the press, to open the door wide to massive hacking and theft, and to prevent Democrats from safeguarding the nation’s fragile and penetrable voting systems.

The Republicans have, over the last twenty five years or so, developed a downright Messianic cult fervor in service to their dark money masters.

They believe the only real treason is a Democratic election victory, fair and square.

Therefore, they reason, making sure Republicans ‘win’ by any means necessary, including not just propaganda and voter suppression, but also massive electoral fraud, hacking, and theft, is virtuous, because even if takes apartment bombings or the flipping of thousands of voting machines, at least it will mean the Democrats won’t be able to stop them as they save the world for capitalist Jesus (yes, the Jesus of Megyn Kelly: He’s sure enough white).

I hope the Democrats realize what they’re dealing with here, and at long last stop conducting themselves as though they were dealing with a civilized opposition party in a democratic society where everybody understands and more or less follows the rules of engagement. The Republicans are feral little traitors, and there is nothing they won’t do to hold on to and amplify their power.


If American women are angry it will be no contest?

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One hundred days means that Democratic Party “Leadership” has plenty of time to screw things up. All they can seem to talk about is Russia, while “The Russian Issue” polls at less than 1% among the issues Americans care about. Plus, Republican’ts are working overtime to purge the voter rolls and suppress the vote.


Screw all of that crap.

I want revenge. I want political revenge. I do not a goddamn about your* feelings, or your need to be uplifted. You posted a lot of words about the horribleness of it all, then proceeded to say that you want to be “inspired” and told wonderful things which sounds a lot like wanting to hear what you want to hear, which is a lot like the status quo from an ostensibly enlightened voter railing about this and that.

Screw all of that crap.

“We’re not [Asshole]” is good enough for me, when I survey how much has been destroyed. I don’t need my doctor to tell me about all the wonderful ways I’m going to beat cancer if I just stay positive and my family united. You know what I’m going to tell him? “Cut the bullshit and let’s get the chemo started because I don’t a damn about anything else right now.”

*Meaning “you” in general, not you in particular.


I wouldn’t count on it, inexplicably millions think Donnie is dreamy.

No it didn’t.
Putin and the GOP got us here.

Will you Hillerites and Berniebros just PLEASE let it go?

Stop looking back and start trying to get beyond our differences.

Do you not get it? This kind of in-house bickering helped the GOP and is exactly what the Russians were trying to do.

Are you going to let Putin win again?

Neither Bernie or Hillary had a chance. The only thing that might have saved us was if some on both sides had not had their feefees hurt and acted out.

Don’t you get it? Democratic candidates are running against Putin, the GOP, the NRA, the christionistas, the kochs, Devos, Princes et al., mideastern oil barons, misogynists, Bibi. homophobes, nazis, Fox media, and the unwashed herd.

We need to wipe the Democratic party slate and start doing things differently.

Now who wants to help elect an African-American woman governor of Georgia instead of the Dixie version of Trump and win similar races? Are would you rather just spend another 18 months snipping at each other?


You are confusing media coverage with Demcratic focus. They know very well it’s healthcare that ranks first, and Russia/iimpeachment doesn’t crack the top 5.

The central problem that Democrats have is a lack of marketing. I don’t anything about marketing, yet I instinctively know what it is not.


First, 2 reminders:

A. The state-by-state GOP redistricting project didn’t stop at or shortly after the big Congressional Republican “shellacking” of Obama & the Dems in 2010. It’s not only been kept up ever since in red states, but every time some GOPer wins as governor in a blue or purple state, it gets a boost.

B. The net effect of all the higher math and analytics based court challenges to pervasive gerrymandering, particularly in NC, Texas and Wis, was shelved by the R majority of SCOTUS this year. That means the outrages that fueled the first two in particular are now confirmed as fully operative and in place for November.

And since the bogusity of the shelving was the same in every case - STANDING - I can’t see any basis for anyone expecting things will change ‘when and if’ there are new such challenges from other entities in those and other increasingly purple states.

So the New Roolz in force appear to be that conscious and deliberate partisan re-districting - including of the sort that benefits most from voter i.d. restrictions, strategic voter list purges and elected R state official controlled central vote counting and reporting - is now The Law of the Land, EVEN where partisanship expresses itself most aggressively and nakedly as the most florid racism.

Next, a comment:

For I don’t know how long now, the CW has been that nationally weighted, the Dem party’s candidates for the House in particular need to poll reliably at something like 7% more in eligible voters than the R party’s, just to draw to even and keep battleground districts competitive.

I really don’t see why that 7% threshold can be regarded any longer as meaningful - it surely MUST be higher, given the state GOP advances in now-legal nakedly partisan gerrymandering, in Rus-assisted voter suppression, in the GOP having institutionalized a way around campaign funding (foreign money sources laundered thru the NRA), and in the use of no-paper trail / online tabulated vote totals tabulation and reporting thru the office of a single state-elected official overseer of elections in each state, with over 2/3rds of those officials being GOPers.

So, bottom line:

To the extent that there’s even any meaning at all left over for looking to polls for nationally-averaged partisan voter intent among ‘eligible voters’ at any time more than a month before voting day, the number that the Dem party has to get to over the R party surely is in the double figures, IOW about where the overall net of national poling currently sits.

Effectively, the national Dem party is NOT ‘ahead’ in the battle for control of the next Congress - at best, at this point the outcome contest appears to be very much a 50/50 bet.


It’s too soon to have “Post Trump Stress Disorder”… we’re still in the midst of the Trumpian disaster.

Not-So-Skinny-Nixon cost the Republicans the House and the Senate for years; Fat-Nixon’s impact will be the biggest, best impact, ever. His situation is unravelling even now, and that isn’t going to help any of his complicit friends.

If the Russians don’t jigger the voting machines we’ll be fine.

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You just posted “why rehash old stuff” and complained about “in house bickering.” And your solution is the demonstrably useless, pie-in-the-sky “wipe the slate clean!” that is the epitome of in house bickering and rehasing old stuff.

So, does this mean you’re out there “wiping the slate clean and doing things differently”? Probably not. Are you doing some grassroots reshuffling that’s taken off like wildfire? Probably not. You out there raising money on the local and state level with a bunch of young, new candidates that no one’s ever heard of? Where are they?

Please do link in your YouTube channel or Tumblr with the cogent list of “doing things differently” that is so surefire, it might gain enough traction to become the norm. That would go very far to helping prove your point and making you the greatest Democratic-supporting strategist of all time.


Careful with this news, folks. Never be overly optimistic. Everyone here thought Hillary would be our President. Never count your Congressional majorities before the election. As we all see, all too clearly with President Dotard T rumpp, shit can always happen. Now is the time to fight like your life depends on it. Never take anything for granted.


Young women must turn out. Let’s see if they do?

You go first.

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Let’s be careful. It is not wise to “count your chickens before their hatched.”
Democrats have to keep running and working as if they are 2 points behind and slowly closing the gap.