Gamrat played the Kim Davis Jeebus Saved Me card. (From the Detroit Free Press):
“I firmly believe in restoration and redemption,” she said." I have done everything I can to redeem this situation and I’m sincerely sorry for what this has caused. I still believe my actions warrant censure, but not expulsion.".
These numbskulls exhibit one of the primary characteristics of modern Republicans: gigantic, galazy-sized hypocrisy. Courser campaigned by day as a Bible-loving, family values Christian Republican fighting the evil godless libruls intent on tearing down America’s cultural values, and by night was playing hide the salami with Gamrat and calling out Jesus’s name at the appropriate moments. And the fact that he would present himself as somebody who was having a secret gay affair is a sign to me that while he was bending the blond over his desk he was fantasizing about being bent over himself by some sleek rent-boy.
I support Todd Courser and Cindy Gamrat. They did nothing illegal. They were simply having sex with each other. They should not be expelled for that. That they are christian fundamentalists, tea partiers or mullahs makes no difference.
Remember Newt Gingrich was nailing the House Agricultural Committee help when he was Speaker. Arnold Schwarzenegger was nailing and impregnating the help at the Governor’s mansion.
Well I’ll be damned. They stayed in session into the wee hours of the morning to get rid of these jerks, 4 am, but they still can’t stay long enough in any legislative session to fix the fucking roads. What a legislature!
Not to worry! Cindy Gamrat is standing up for traditional marriage, she introduced “The Pastor Protections Act” two days ago! Read it and all about it on her Facebook Page:
Maybe true, from a woman’s perspective, but Cindy has that I’m getting laid alll the time smile. Well she was anyway. Now she spends all her time in church praying Hail Mary’s and mumbling over and over to herself, “that fucking park ranger, that fucking park ranger.”
“I felt is was the appropriate thing to do. I put everybody through a whole bunch, my family, constituents and the people in this room,” Courser said, according to the Detroit Free Press.
Well, how courageous. You held out and then bailed 1 HOUR before you would have been expelled. How thoughtful.
The issue is not them having sex. The issue is concocting this cockamamie story about male prostitutes and blackmailers and then attempting to using tax funded staffers to conceal their activity.
You’re conflating. The park ranger was in Minnesota and that was two entirely different state reps/tea baggers that were caught finger banging. It’s easy to confuse the two.
I agree with your argument about Gamrat, not so much Courser. Courser was involved in this prostitution story, which, while not illegal, is unethical. From the article here, it seems that Gamrat was just involved in an extramarital affair–since when did we start expelling politicians for that? If that is the standard, then there are quite a few congress-people to be purged. I was particularly struck by how lopsided the vote was. Is there more to the story than what was presented here? David Vitter even got re-elected and what he did even was illegal,
I haven’t read all the details, but I find it telling that it was the democrats that were reluctant to expel them. It seems to me that Gamrat wasn’t doing anything that a number of the other representatives aren’t also doing. It seems to me that her main crime that led to her expulsion was pissing off the Republican leaders–if she had been one of them, they would have circled the wagons.