No, he didn’t. Stop. Nobody is going to steal electoral votes, there’s too much at stake.
And no, now it goes to the State board, the county people are out of it.
No, he didn’t. Stop. Nobody is going to steal electoral votes, there’s too much at stake.
And no, now it goes to the State board, the county people are out of it.
One of the board members’ wife is a Trump witness.
“His wife, Mary Shinkle, is a witness in Trump’s federal lawsuit as one of more than 100 GOP poll challengers who filed affidavits about their experience at the TCF Center in Detroit, where absentee votes were counted.”
The other is an attorney who works for the House GOP caucus.
Trump is busy behind the scenes while Rudy and Kerns and the “legal team” throws up the distractions that function as the “Evidence” that “something was wrong” even though the suits themselves have produced zero evidence to support that something was wrong…they are just relying on the fact that there were suits and that "reports came in of this or that isolated incident, which makes me doubt the entire election.’ Pockets are being lined and threats are being made and favors called in.
Well I’m beyond happy about that piece of sanity.
Michigan has 16 electoral votes. They’d need to pickoff PA, too. Or Georgia and one more.
Almost like they’re doing all they can to corruptly help the corrupt so-called president.
The family who steals elections together is a beautiful thing to see.
Blood in the streets would be even better. Bring it from the cities they are trying to disenfranchise to their homes and small towns and prove to them they need to have a fear of us like their cartoonish demagoguery never even imagined. Burn their small towns and rural areas. Destroy everything and leave them with nothing and they can come fucking crawling on bloody knees to beg for the largesse of the blue areas that they live off already. We are well beyond the point where that half of this country needs to be taught a fucking lesson the hard way.
Who among us wants to spend the rest of their fucking life subjected to this shit? If you haven’t reached your goddamn limit yet, you have to be fucking insensate and barely sentient. How many people out there are reaching the end of their ropes who WON’T just spout off at the mouth about it? I refuse to condemn any violence they commit at this point. This shit needs brought to a head and the boil needs to be lanced. This cannot go on any longer.
Fuck him. He’s playing for a bigger bribe.
Note that the interview took place a few hours before a new and creative way to fuck with the election popped up.
They’d probably like to see “blood in the streets,” so stop encouraging them. Remember the original game plan seemed to be that if the Republicans could come with enough charges of fraudulent election practices, the legislatures would declare that in the face of chaos they would step in and make their own choice. In this case, they would try to claim that some demonstrations and some police pepper spray and water cannons in Detroit were enough to void the people’s clear choice.
Meh, the only reason to not be out would be that it’s just a bit too early in the game.
If there’s really a move to take the election by force, the streets need to overflow.
But right now, it’s just children playing games.
Like they’re reading anything I have to say. But if the feeling is mutual, then so be it. They. Must. Be. BROKEN.
I think you misunderstand what they consider to be “enough.” All they want is a pretext, total pretense. They don’t give a flying fucking fuck how substantive or credible it is. They are ALREADY going to move forward with the attempt unless and until something stops them BY FORCE.
Trying to play 3-dimensional chess when they can’t win at tic-tac-toe.
I think everyone in Wayne County should head for the offices of those two Republicans and tell them how they feel about the vote in Wayne County not being certified.
That ought to go well.
Yeah. But the MI Senate guy probably knew what those bozos were planning, and just put a stake in the ground.
Anyone who’s not delusional knows who won the election. Even most of the trump supporters will get it. The loud-mouthed shitheads will continue to be loud-mouthed shitheads, and wear their MAGA hats and wail and gnash their teeth, but it won’t matter.
Yeah I think the Senator made that pretty clear. I also think this is the beginning of the end of this. Sounds like the GOP is reaching it’s breaking point.
Wouldn’t be so sure. Two folks off on their own probably weren’t colluding with anyone but each other.
Tell us about your experience in pointing a weapon at another human and pulling the trigger. I do not believe you’re prepared for that. Shrieking for violence online is easy. Pulling a trigger is not. Personally, I find you as an emotional wreck I would not want anywhere near a conflict where sane thinking is needed. You have a long term pattern of this, inciting. It makes one ponder if you’re a agent provocateur you’re so over the top.
I see your point. But I am not thinking so much a conspiracy as just two people deciding to do something, and the news traveling through the grapevine.
“The recent statement by Chris Krebs on the security of the 2020 Election was highly inaccurate, in that there were massive improprieties and fraud,”
You would have to admit: Donald Trump does have extensive experience with fraud. I suppose that makes him some kind of expert.
Lately the whole “confirmed by the senate” thing has be a bit spooked. I am wondering if Biden will have to cobble some trumpian approaches together to get the cabinet he needs.