The day he dies, I will read Mitch’s obituary multiple times over a 3L box of cabernet, eagerly watch his funeral on CSPAN, and hope for an open casket so we can be sure it took.
“The Senate is not going to be bullied into rushing out more borrowed money…”
We’ve already passed out plenty to our wealthy donors. Also, the President is in dire need of $600,000,000. So your petty desire to buy a Big Mac® isn’t justified at all. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, and get back to work.
Well, are Loeffler and Perdue going to be blamed for this after claiming they’d vote for it?
If it’s Sauvignon, I’d love to join you : - )
Also Mitch McConnell is worth 293 rich democrats.
No realistic path because all paths through moscow mitch will be blocked.
We know this for a fact because the path led right up to his doorstep and stopped.
Sauvignon and Blanc. Both!
I’m constantly amazed that Rand Paul is only the second worst senator from Kentucky.
You’re going to have to wait in a very long line. Hope the cemetery installs good drainage.
The accumulation of ammonia will be enough to render the entire city of Louisville senseless.
They got rid of Bevin, but good grief…
it’s the Senate, you morons! And so-called certain progressives who post here are either fooling themselves or they’re not progressives at all.
(Added an extra “s” to the creep’s name.)
McConnell spent months battling even the smaller $600 checks that were eventually signed into law a few days ago, and he was unphased Wednesday by arguments for more.
I hate to be that person, but surely he meant “unfazed”. He also might want to check on using a capitol “O” for “House of Representatives” instead of “House 0f Representatives”.
That said, since he had no plans to consider the $2000 checks, I’m glad he’s admitted it and now we can move on to making sure that every voter in Georgia understands what’s at stake in the runoff. I’m not glad that the $2000 is off the table, but the longer we can go without having to mess with the “commission to examine voter fraud” and the Section 230 repeal the better off we will be. Section 230 needs to have a reasoned debate, and that is not what will happen between now and January 20. As for a “commission to examine voter fraud” even McConnell has to realize that an actual study of where the voting got weird cannot be a good thing for the GOP, and there is no way that they can keep it focused on the states that Trump wants to challenge. He doesn’t really want any of those issues to be discussed.
Got watch to make sure that they drove the stake in correctly.
Just burry him in the sewer treatment plant that has easy public access and good parking.
Seems a shame to waste a perfectly good casket.
The sewer treatment plant also makes it possible to give him an appropriate salute every time you go to the bathroom.
Key word: filthy
Yertle will simply disintegrate into dust, like when sunlight hits Rudy.
I just figured that we could streamline the process with some prior planning.