DeSantis Signs Florida’s Restrictive Voter Bill — During A Fox And Friends Hit | Talking Points Memo

And that is exactly why the idiocy in Arizona is going on. “See, there was fraud! We are passing laws so we canl watch more closely and control the results to make sure you aren’t cheated again!”


I think the signing on Fox News, while of course attempting to promote DeSantis’ national image, signals that they’re somewhat worried about their number of voters, but that might just be wishful thinking.


What is the country compared to their sincerely held beliefs and principles? :roll_eyes:


Manchin has been strident about “no changes to fillibuster, bipartisan only!” since at least ACB.

After decrying the disgusting steal by the Republicans and the “degradation of Senate norms and procedures”, he continued

The U.S. Senate is supposed to be the greatest deliberative body in the world and perhaps we used to be. But each time a Senate majority – regardless of party – changes the rules, we reduce the incentive to work together across party lines. Instead, the partisan governing of the last ten years and the rushed nomination of Judge Barrett only fans the flames of division at a time when Americans are deeply divided.

Manchin Votes Against Supreme Court Nominee Process | U.S. Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia.



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DeSantis as well as his acolytes like to talk a good game about the lack of democracy in places like Cuba and Venezuela yet he pulls petty banana Republican stunts like this.
Look at when he’s done with the late Alcee Hastings district. A congressional district of 800k residents will have to go 8 months without representation solely because of whims of the governor. One of the candidates who has filed the lawsuit pushing for an earlier special election.
How about having a candidate just show up at Hastings old district office and in Washington to sit on committees and vote for the rest of the year. They couldn’t be worse than Matt Gaetz. Call it substitute congressman like the old Eddie Murphy Bernie Mac film.


And people in Hell want ice water.

Neither is going to happen.


I just liked a comment and got a pop-up that said “You are not permitted to view the source.”

What the actual fuck?

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On MSNBC last week an Republican strategist went into how much time FL R strategists spent getting mail in voting a thing, educating Republican voters in the state, and it was millions. And because one orange fat fuck is having a temper tantrum all the time, effort, and money is going down the drain.
The other thing that will be interesting to follow is now that this is law in FL, when is the next state election set for? The confusion, the anger, it will be interesting to see how Republican voters react to following the new procedures.


I think Florida Republicans might have just shot themselves in the foot. I can’t imagine a lot of seniors standing in line at the polls now that vote by mail is more difficult. This bill might help Democrats more than Republicans.


Performative governance. DeSantis isn’t stupid, he’s learned from Trump how to entertain the GOP mob.


Not to be outdone, a police officer in Georgia devised a preemptive way to suppress the black vote by charging them with felonies …


Few things reveal more about a piece of legislation than the signing event participants.


WTF is wrong with these people? Honestly, part of me has to believe that the rubes are going to turn on them when one of them is denied the ballot.


Who is that in the picture?

Vote by mail is the primary reason that Republicans have had a stranglehold on Florida’s state government for the last 20 years. So this is basically just Ron DeSantis punching himself in the dick on Fox & Friends for the sake of giving Trump a fleeting moment of feeling marginally less sad about himself.


Aren’t you peeps spelling his name wrong?
Isn’t it DeSatan or DeSantAss?


Disney World: close.

Apologies to demosthenes59, you spelled his name correct :roll_eyes:

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