Can someone please explain what “perfect sex life” means??!!
in his case: if at first, you don’t succeed…
It means the rare occasions when it involves more than just yourself.
All other things being equal, that is.
Given that Epstein is unlikely to live another day of freedom going forward, his incentive to fall on his sword for the rich and powerful (and current not in jail) co-diddlers is, shall we say, minimal.
You mean Dersh, don’t you?
IANAL, but I don’t think Whataboutism is a strong defense.
Moreover, whatever leverage he thought he had disappeared as soon as he went public with these insinuations.
“What a maroon.” - B. Bunny
Well, he’s just basically fucked either way. Enough government connections mixed up in this that witness protection ain’t gonna help him for more than a few hours before he’s hunted down… Same if he ever gets out into general prison population.
Bingo! We have a winner!
Dershowitz has gone full Trumpian in his tactics. Imagine that. Sigh…
I’m trying to figure out what Boies’s possible extra-marital affair has to do with the possibility of Dershowitz having sex with an underage girl.
I’m pretty sure that most people wouldn’t be shocked if they learned that an adult male had an extra-marital affair, but I am also sure that most people would be infuriated if they learned that an adult man was having sex with a child. Well, except maybe if those people were Republicans.
He also is pretty darn explicit in all his denials about “never had sex with”, and boy oh boy can you drive a bus through that loophole…
Depends what your definition of “is” is, after all.
I’d swear under oath about a lot of things. It doesn’t mean its true, it just means I expect there to be no contrary evidence out there.
Whatever it is, it involves an old, old Russian woman and keeping your tighty whiteys on.
It’s the Gaetz/Cohen mob method-- don’t you start talking about me or I’ll release all the dirt on you and fuck up your family life.
There are a lot of plates spinning here. Not sure exactly what your theory is and would like your feedback and others to chime in.
If Epstein is 66 and going to do 20 years…where exactly DO his incentives lie? If no matter what, he is going to do at least 20 years, why would it benefit him to take down huge players? If by giving up those huge players, he can get a deal for 5 years, maybe 4 then it is a different game. I am no lawyer and I am really serious about hearing from the esteemed echelon here at TPM whether Epstein is motivated to spill or keep his mouth shut. With Billy Barrrrrrrrr cruising the shallows looking to harpoon any Chump related suits my guess is every angle is being calculated.
Well, that could be a fruitful discussion – but what Dershowitz means to assert is that he has not been unfaithful to his wife.
Which itself is not as firm a denial as it may sound …
I see what you did there…
whistling this song, while I try to find a non conspiracy site story about the 1st Mrs. Dersh