Denver Post Catches Republican Gov Candidate In Apparent Plagiarism | Talking Points Memo

Colorado Republican Scott McInnis might just be a copycat.

Tasked in 2005 and 2006 with producing a series of articles about water policy, the former congressman and current gubernatorial candidate turned in copy that appears to have been lifted from an earlier work by someone else, according to a report in The Denver Post.After leaving Congress, McInnis took a two-year fellowship with the Hasan Family Foundation (for which he was paid $300,000), and turned in a series of essays titled “Musings on Water.” According to The Denver Post, portions of those essays mirror passages in an essay written two decades ago by Gregory J. Hobbs, who’s now a Colorado Supreme Court Justice. According to the Post, one part of McInnis’ work contains a four-page section reprinted nearly exactly from Hobbs’.

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